Singapore Dollar Fast Deposit På kun valgte grener. Vilkår og betingelser: Tilbudsrenten (er) sitert per 21. februar 2017. Denne kampanjen gjelder kun for enkelte kunder og er ikke gyldig med andre rettigheter eller kampanjer med mindre annet er oppgitt. Det faste innskuddet må gjøres med friske midler og ikke midler overført fra eksisterende UOBFEB sparingskrevende innskuddskonto (e) eller UOBFEB sjekker, kasserere ordre og etterspørselsutkast. For å kvalifisere seg for kampanjesatsene, må friske midler på ikke mindre enn S20 000 plasseres i et fast innskuddsgebyr for den rentesats som gjelder for denne kampanjeprisen. Kampanjeprisen gjelder kun dersom det faste innskuddet holdes til forfall. Hvis det faste innskudd trekkes tilbake før forfall, vil ingen renter bli betalt med mindre UOB bestemmer noe annet (i så fall vil beløpet av rentebeløpet bestemmes av UOB). UOB kan endre vilkårene og betingelsene for denne kampanjen (inkludert kampanjeperioden, salgsfremmende rente, fast innskudd tenor eller avslutte denne kampanjen) når som helst uten å måtte oppgi noen grunn eller forhåndsvarsel. Det er viktig å lese og godta de fulle vilkårene som gjelder for 13 måneders kampanjepris. United Overseas Bank Limited Co. Reg. 193500026Z Far Eastern Bank Limited Co. Reg. Nr. 195800116D Stort utvalg av tenorer fra 1 til 12, 18, 24 og 36 måneder Renter betalt årlig for 24 og 36 måneder tenors Automatisk fornyelse av tidsfast innskudd Lav minimumsplassering på S5000 Nyt privilegiene til et UOB-kredittkort når du lover ditt faste innskudd Finansiell fleksibilitet med en automatisk kassekreditt knyttet til din I-ACCOUNT Bestill en avtale online for å åpne ekspreskonto Mer informasjon Viktig informasjon om bruk av UOB-kontoer og tjenester Innskuddssikringsordning: Singapore-innskudd av ikke-bank Innskytere og pengebeløp og innskudd i Singapore-dollar i tilleggspensjonsordningen er forsikret av Singapore Deposit Insurance Corporation, for inntil S50 000 i samlet per innskudd per ordinær medlem ved lov. Innskudd og innskudd pålydende i Singapore-dollar i henhold til CPFs investeringsordning og CPF Minimums Sum Scheme er aggregerte og hver for seg forsikret opp til S50.000 for hver innskyter per medlem av ordningen. Utenlandske valutainnskudd, investeringer i to valutaer, strukturerte innskudd og andre investeringsprodukter er ikke forsikret. Vennligst referer til UOBFEB Insured Deposit Register for en liste over UOB-kontoer produkter som er dekket under Scheme. ATM Branch Locator Finn minibanken eller grenen nærmest deg. Kontroller leveringen av bestillinger Overseas Stopp av levering til utlandet Postadresser Finn ut merInfo Kilde - Kilder til forbundsregering og ansattes informasjon 2014 Generell informasjon Introduksjon til Info Source Info Kilde: Kilder til regjeringen og Medarbeiderinformasjon gir informasjon om funksjoner, programmer, aktiviteter og relaterte Opplysninger om statlige institusjoner som er underlagt lov om tilgang til informasjon. Personvernloven gir enkeltpersoner og ansatte i regjeringen (nåværende og tidligere) med relevant informasjon for å få tilgang til personlig informasjon om seg selv holdt av offentlige institusjoner underlagt personvernloven og å utøve sine rettigheter i henhold til personvernloven. Introduksjon til Info Kilde: Kilder til regjeringen og Medarbeiderinformasjon og en indeks for institusjoner som er underlagt Tilgang til Informasjonsloven og Personvernloven er tilgjengelige sentralt. Tilgang til informasjonsloven og personvernloven overdrager overordnet ansvar til statsrådets president (som utnevnt minister) for offentlig forvaltning av lovgivningen. Bakgrunnsansvar Institusjonelle funksjoner, programmer og aktiviteter Risikovurdering Risikovurderingsprogrammet ldquopushes grensen outrdquo ved å søke å identifisere personer med høy risiko, varer og transportmidler så tidlig som mulig i reise - og handelskontinuum for å forhindre uopptakelige personer og varer fra å komme inn i Canada. Dette drar nytte av den reisende offentligheten og handelssamfunnet ved å gjøre det mulig for Byrået å fokusere sin undersøkelses - og interdiction-aktiviteter på høyrisikopersoner og varer, og dermed legge til rette for oppføring av lavrisikosjester og varer. Byrået bruker en rekke trussel - og risikovurderingsmetoder, etterretningstjenester og støttende teknologier for å identifisere potensielle farer for sikkerhet og sikkerhet for mennesker og varer. CBSA ProgramsOperations Systems Development Beskrivelse: Beskriver poster relatert til utvikling og styring av systemer som brukes av Canada Border Services Agencyrsquos (CBSA) Programmer og Operations Branches, inkludert Bekreftelse Amp Tracking System (CATS), Immigration Detainees Management System (IDMS), Immigration Mail and Courier Tracking System (IMPACT), Integrated Customs Enforcement System (ICES), Enforcement Information Index System (EIIS), Policy og Program Development Development Enforcement Data System, Support System for Intelligence (SSI), Screening Referral Be om amp Secure Tracking System (SSR) og Travel and Identity Document System (TIDS). Dokumenttyper: systembeskrivelser og testpakker, evalueringsrapporter, orienteringsnotater, Innkalling av Treasury Board, Memorandum of Understanding, Informasjonsdelsavtaler, skjemaer, instruksjonshåndbøker og opplæringsmateriell, Impact Assessment, Threat Risk Assessment Opptaksnummer: CBSA ENF 137 Intelligence Program Beskrivelse: Beskriver poster relatert til etterretningsaktiviteter knyttet til personer og enheter som er av interesse for CBSA i forbindelse med smugling og smugling, uregelmessig migrasjon, innvandringssvindel og avvisning og terrorisme til støtte for CBSAs grensehåndhevelsesmandat. Merk: Records finnes i følgende systemer: Intelligence Management System (IMS). Support System for Intelligence (SSI). Det integrerte Tollvesenet System (ICES). Field Operations Support System (FOSS). National Case Management System (NCMS). Global Case Management System (GCMS) og Det kanadiske Police Information Center (CPIC). Dokumenttyper: Retningslinjer, prosedyrer, Operasjonsbulletiner, Nasjonale direktiver, Advarsler, Bulletiner, Rapporter, Trusselsvurderinger, Kart, Saksfiler, Utkikksposter, Operasjonelle og taktiske intelligensanalyser, Skjermhjelp, Opplæringsstrategier og kursmateriale, Informasjonsmateriale, Spørsmålskort , manualer, samarbeidsavtaler (MOU), Intentional Letters (LOI) og skriftlige samarbeidsavtaler (WCA). Rekordnummer: CBSA ENF 1401 Intelligence Program Description: Denne banken beskriver informasjon om enkeltpersoner mistenkt for involvering i smugling mot smugling, hvitvasking av penger, finansiering av terrorisme, innvandringssvindel, uregelmessig migrasjon, menneskesmugling og menneskehandel, terrorisme eller andre grenserelaterte håndhevelse og sikkerhetsproblemer. Inkluderer også opplysninger om enkeltpersoner som er mistenkt for at de ikke kan tas opp til Canada. Personlig informasjon kan inneholde navn, kontaktinformasjon, biografisk informasjon, biometrisk informasjon, statsborgerskapsstatus, kredittinformasjon, kriminell sjekkliste, fødselsdato, utdanningsinformasjon, finansiell informasjon, reisedokument, personlige identifikasjonsnumre, fysiske attributter, fødested, signatur, importexport informasjon, tollbrudd og anfall, reiselogger og innvandringsbrudd. Merk: I tillegg til kravene angitt på Treasury Board of Canada sekretariatet Personlig Informasjonsforespørselsskjema, skal enkeltpersoner som ber om informasjon beskrevet av denne banken, angi hendelsen og plasseringen. Alle lover og forskrifter som CBSA er ansvarlig for. Personlig informasjon kan lagres i følgende systemer: Intelligence Management System (IMS). Support System for Intelligence (SSI). Secure Tracking System (STS). Det integrerte Tollvesenet System (ICES). National Case Management System (NCSM). Field Operations Support System (FOSS). Global Case Management System (GCMS) og Det kanadiske Police Information Center (CPIC). Klasse av personer: Generell offentlig. Formål: Personopplysninger samles i henhold til tolloven. Innvandrings - og flyktningloven (IRPA). Tolltariffen. Aksjeloven. Punktavgiftsloven Eksporttillatelsesloven. Lov om bekjempelse av narkotika og stoffer (CDSA) og loven om hvitvasking av penger (hvitvasking av penger), med sikte på å skaffe informasjon om personer som mistenkes for grenselaterte ulovlige aktiviteter, herunder smugling av smugling og innvandring. Konsistente bruksområder: Informasjonen kan bli avslørt internt til CBSA Operations and Programs Branches med sikte på håndheving, sikkerhet, revisjon og evaluering, orientering av toppledelse og policy, prosedyre og opplæringsutvikling. Informasjonen kan avsløres eksternt til statsborgerskap og innvandring Canada (CIC). Den kanadiske sikkerhetsunderretningstjenesten (CSIS) og utlendings - og flyktningstyret (IRB) med det formål å administrere og håndheve loven om innvandring og flyktningvern (IRPA), refererer til: Innvandringssaken, fil CIC PPU 042. Canadian Security Intelligence Service Investigative Records CSIS PPU 045. Innvandringsseksjonen Saksfiler IRB PPU 140. Helse Canada med det formål å administrere og håndheve loven om kontrollert narkotika og stoffer (CDSA), refererer til: Inspektoratet - Medisinske apparater HC PPU 405. Inspektoratet - Naturhelseprodukter HC PPU 406. Inspektorat - Farmasøytisk Drugs HC PPU 407M. Inspektorat - Biologics Radiopharmaceuticals HC PPU 408. Den offentlige anklagemyndigheten i Canada og Justisdepartementet (DOJ) med henblikk på påtalemyndighet og henvendelser refererer til: Prosedyrer og prosedyrerelaterte aktiviteter PPSC PPU 002. Anklager og relaterte straffesaker JUS PPU 015. Det kongelige kanadiske monterte politiet (RCMP) for rettshåndhevelse refererer til: Operasjonelle saksrekord RCMP PPU 005 og Utenriksdepartementet, handel og utvikling (DFAIT) for eksportkontroll. Informasjonen kan også avsløres eksternt med ulike utenriksregeringer underlagt multilaterale traktater, gjensidig rettshjelpsavtaler, eller skriftlige samarbeidsavtaler (WCA), Interpol og municipalprovincialterritorial rettshåndhevende organer for formålene håndhevelse. Retts - og avhendingsstandarder: Tollinformasjon: Registre vil bli beholdt i fem år og vil da bli ødelagt. Innvandringsinformasjon: Under utvikling RDA-nummer: Tollinformasjon: 2000033 Innvandringsinformasjon: 2006004 Beslektet postnummer: CBSA ENF 137, CBSA ENF 1401 TBS Registrering: 005187 Banknummer: CBSA PPU 035 Integrert Tollhåndhevelse System (ICES) Beskrivelse: Denne banken beskriver informasjon om tidligere og potensielle tollbrytere. Det tillater grensetjenestepersonell i alle porter å spørre mot en database med utvalgte saker. Databasen inneholder faginformasjon (navn, fødselsdato, adresse og identifikasjon) på enkeltpersoner og bedrifter. Vareinformasjon, straffinformasjon og transportinformasjon. Denne informasjonen leveres av fagpersonen gjennom spørsmålstegn, identifikasjon, kvitteringer og fakturaer. Informasjonen kan også oppbevares i notatbøker for tollembedsmænd - Tollformular CE1. Klasse av personer: Medlemmer av allmennheten. Formål: Formålet er å bistå grensedriftstjenestemenn ved å etablere risikofaktoren, vurdere tonnasatser. Informasjonen brukes av Byrået for håndhevelse av tollloven. Konsistente bruksområder: Informasjonen brukes til å identifisere personer som har begått mistanke om brudd på tollloven, avgiftsloven, kontrollloven for eksporttillatelse og landbruket Canada. Retensjons - og avhendingsstandarder: Registre vil bli beholdt i minst seks (6) år fra datoen for lovbrudd, men postene er ikke tilgjengelige etter 6 år, men er arkivert. RDA-nummer: 2000033 Beslektet postnummer: CBSA ENF 137 TBS Registrering: 004136 Banknummer: CBSA PPU 016 Intelligence Intelligensprogrammet samler, analyserer og distribuerer handlingsbar intelligens om personer, varer, forsendelser eller transportmidler som er bundet til eller forlater Canada for å hjelpe CBSA og Andre politimyndigheter identifiserer personer, varer, forsendelser eller transportmidler som kan være uopptakelige eller utgjøre en trussel mot sikkerheten til Canada. CBSA-offiserer som befinner seg i Canada, ved innstigningshavn eller på utlandet, vurderer informasjon samlet fra et bredt spekter av kilder. I tillegg gir CBSA rettidig, nøyaktig, strategisk, operativ og taktisk informasjonsrådgivning til myndigheter, likestillede motparter og interessenter knyttet til trusler mot nasjonal sikkerhet, inkludert informasjon om terrorisme, våpenspredning, krigsforbrytelser, organisert kriminalitet, smugling , innvandringssvindel og uregelmessig migrasjon, bedragerisk dokumentasjon og grensefunksjon. Intelligensprodukter som utkikk, varsler, vitenskapelige rapporter og trussel - og risikovurderinger informerer, støtter og forbedrer Agencyrsquos screening og målrettingsevne og andre CBSA-programmer (for eksempel opptaksbestemmelse, straffeundersøkelser og innvandringstiltak). En utkikk er pålitelig, nøyaktig og gjennomførbar intelligens om faktiske eller mistenkte brudd eller kriminelle aktiviteter som kan føre til avlytning av uopptakelige personer. En utkikk tar form av en elektronisk filrekord. En utkikk ldquohitrdquo vil ldquoflagrdquo eller identifisere bestemte personer, inkludert selskaper, og bestemte varer, transportbånd eller forsendelser. En utkikk ldquohitrdquo krever en obligatorisk henvisning til en sekundær undersøkelse. Federal Tobacco Control Strategy (FTCS) Beskrivelse: Beskriver poster relatert til Federal Tobacco Control Strategy (FTCS). Kan inkludere registre relatert til etablering eller bruk av elektroniske systemer som brukes til å administrere og administrere dette initiativet, inkludert Integrated Customs and Enforcement System (ICES), Intelligence Management System (IMS) og Facility for Information Retrieval Management (FIRM) - systemer. Dokumenttyper: Rapporter til helse Canada Briefing Notater Treasury Board Innlevering Evalueringer og overvåkingsverktøy Data om kilde til smugletobak, ruting, modus for transport, modus operandi, skjult metoder og høyrisiko kommersielle enheter, samt på enkeltpersoner og grupper involvert i tobakksmugling Månedlige andor kvartalsrapporter som gir en nasjonal oversikt over smugglingstobakmarkedet Årlig vurdering av arten og omfanget av smugdobaksaktivitet ved landegrensene, både internasjonalt og internasjonalt. Opptaksnummer: CBSA ENF 108 Partners in Protection (PIP) Programbeskrivelse: Beskriver poster knyttet til Partners in Protection (PIP) Program. Kan inkludere registreringer relatert til etablering eller bruk av elektroniske systemer som brukes til å administrere eller administrere programmet, inkludert operativsystemet for akselerert kommersiell frigivelse (ACROSS), tullkommunikasjonssystemet (CCS), operasjonell støttesystem for statsborgerskap og utlendinger (FOSS), Det integrerte tollvesenet (ICIC), Det integrerte tollforsyningssystemet (ICES), Intelligence Management System (IMS), Politiinformasjonssøkningssystemet (PIRS), SBRN Management Reporting System (CMRS), og Dun amp Bradstreet (DampB). Dokumenttyper: Søknadsskjema, Memorandum of Understanding, Site Validation rapporter, Risking rapporter, PIP Pilot Database. Rekordnummer: CBSA ENF 117 Partnere i beskyttelsesprogrammet (PIP) Beskrivelse: Denne banken beskriver informasjon som brukes til støtte for søknadsprosessen for kanadiske og amerikanske selskaper som søker om medlemskap eller blir medarbeidere i Partners in Protection (PIP), en Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) quottrusted traderquot program. Personlige opplysninger kan inneholde navn, kontaktinformasjon, fødselsdato, firmanummer eller GSTHST-nummer, kontosikkerhetsnummer, carrier code, Dun og Bradstreet (DUNS) nummer, personnummer, andre identifikasjonsnumre knyttet til andre kanadiske eller amerikanske grenser programmer som for eksempel Toll Self Assessment (CSA), Free and Secure Trade (FAST) Canada og Toll-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT) ID-nummer og signatur. Merk: Informasjon kan lagres i følgende interne systemdatabaser: PIP-database. Denne banken beskriver personopplysninger fra søkere fra 2008-06-30. Klasse av enkeltpersoner: PIP-programansøkere (enkeltpersoner, eneforetak og samarbeidspartnere bestående av enkeltpersoner), representanter utnevnt for å fullføre søknaden og eller opptre som kontaktperson og bedriftsledere med ansvar for daglig drift som er relevant for PIP-programmet. Formål: Personlig informasjon brukes til å administrere og avgjøre valgbarhet for medlemskap i PIP-programmet. Dette innebærer datamatching som en del av risikovurderingsprosessen av programmet. Kildene mot hvilke personlige opplysninger elementer er matchet er: Accelerated Toll Commercial Release System, Toll Commercial System, Integrert Toll System, Administrativt Penning Straff System, Integrert Toll Håndhevelse System, Intelligence Management System, Tollundersøkelser Information Management System, Case Investigation National Online System , Seizure Retrieval System, Consolidated Management Reporting System, Toll Self Assessment Database, Politi Informasjon Retrieval System (PIRS) og Canadian Police Information Center systemer, Field Operating Support System, Canada Revenue Agency, Dun amp Bradstreet (et privat selskap) og Customs - Program for handelspartnerskap mot terrorisme (C-TPAT). Personopplysninger er samlet inn i henhold til § 13 (2) (b) i Canada Border Services Agency Act. Konsekvent bruk: Informasjonen kan brukes eller avsløres for følgende formål: håndheving, sikkerhet, evaluering og statistikk. Informasjon kan brukes til å planlegge bevissthetssessioner under PIP-programmet. Navn, kontaktinformasjon, Dun amp Bradstreet og forretningsnummer kan deles med Transport Canada for å bekrefte medlemskapsstatus som det gjelder deres Air Cargo Security-program. Selskapets juridiske navn, bedriftsnummer, leverandørkode og adresse er levert til Canada Revenue Agency for å gjennomføre en gjeldskontroll. Firma navn, kontaktinformasjon, carrier kode (hvis aktuelt), bedriftsnummer og status for medlemskap kan deles i Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) med Free and Secure Trade (FAST) programmet, Toll Self Assessment (CSA) og ulike grenser og kontorer i Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) (Border Services Officers, Commercial Officers, og Intelligence Officers) for å gjennomføre samsvar, etterforsknings - og håndhevelsesaktiviteter for PIP-programmet, samt gjennomføre mandatet til Canada Border Services Agency ( MSA). Informasjonen brukes til mailinglistens formål. Med samtykke fra søkeren blir medlemskap publisert på Internett. Retensjons - og kasseringsstandarder: Under utvikling. RDA-nummer: Under utvikling. Beslektet klasse av postnummer: CBSA ENF 117 TBS Registrering: 20100122 Banknummer: CBSA PPU 200 Nasjonalt integrert interagentinformasjonsprogram (N-III) Beskrivelse: Beskriver poster relatert til National Integrated Interagency Information (N-III) program ledet av Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) og Public Safety Canada (PS). Kan inkludere oppføringer knyttet til etablering eller bruk av elektroniske systemer som brukes til å administrere eller administrere programmet, inkludert det integrerte søkeverktøyet (IQT), Politisinformasjonssøkningssystemet (PIRS), Politi Reporting and Occurrence System (PROS), Politi Informasjon Portal (PIP ), Politi Records Information Management Environment (PRIME), British Columbia BC Politi Records Information Management Environment (BCPRIME). Dokumenttyper: Briefing Materials, Personvern Impact Assessment Addendum, Memorandum of Understanding. Rekordnummer: CBSA ENF 115 Integrated Threat Assessment Center (ITAC) Initiativ Beskrivelse: Beskriver poster relatert til ITAC-initiativet (Integrated Threat Assessment Center). Dette multi-avdelingsinitiativet arbeider med sentre som har et lignende mandat i Storbritannia, USA, USA, Australia og New Zealand. Som et ledd i dette initiativet tilbyr Canada Border Services Agency informasjon og kompetanse for å støtte opprettelsen av de nasjonale sikkerhetsvurderinger som er relatert til terrorisme, trender i terrorisme og evaluering av sikkerhet for innenlandske og internasjonale spesielle arrangementer. Rekordnummer: CBSA ENF 111 Kanadiske varer i utlandet Program (CGAP) Beskrivelse: Beskriver poster relatert til Canadian Goods Abroad Program (CGAP). Kan inkludere oppføringer knyttet til etablering eller bruk av elektroniske systemer som brukes til å administrere eller administrere programmet, inkludert Tollkommunikasjonssystemet (CCS). Dokumenttyper: Memos og Customs Commercial System (CCS) genererte dokumenter. Rekordnummer: CBSA ADM 138 Harmoniserte risikobaserte og forhånds handelsdata (HRS-ATD) Beskrivelse: Beskriver poster relatert til HRS-ATD-initiativet (Harmonized Risk Scoring and Advance Trade Data). Kan inkludere registreringer relatert til etablering eller bruk av elektroniske systemer som brukes til å administrere eller administrere programmet, inkludert Tactical Information Targeting Analysis and Notification System (TITAN), akselerert kommersiell frigivelsesoperasjonssystem (ACROSS), forretningsnummer (BN), samt Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) og Clementine-simuleringsmiljøet. Dokumenttyper: TCP-dokumentasjon (Trade Chain Partner), Tactical Information Targeting Analysis and Notification System (TITAN), systembeskrivelse og testpakker. Opptaksnummer: CBSA ENF 109 Målingsprogrammet identifiserer personer og varer som er bundet til Canada, som kan utgjøre en trussel mot sikkerheten og sikkerheten til landet. CBSA bruker en rekke automatiske forhåndsinformasjonskilder fra transportører og importører for å identifisere personer, varer og transportmidler som kan utgjøre en trussel mot Canada. Advance Passenger Information og Advance Commercial Information gir CBSA elektronisk forhåndsinformasjon om personer og varer som kan brukes til å utføre risikovurderinger før deres ankomst i Canada. Kjente trusler identifiseres når det er en kamp mot en databasepåmelding. Personer og varer som er identifisert som utgir en trussel mot Canada, henvises til bekreftelse og undersøkelse ved ankomst i en inngangsport. Joint In Transit Targeting Initiative (JTI) Beskrivelse: Beskriver poster relatert til Joint In Transit Targeting Initiative. Kan inkludere registre relatert til etablering eller bruk av elektroniske systemer som brukes til å administrere eller administrere programmet, inkludert AMPS, Datamat og Tactical Information Targeting Analysis and Notification System (TITAN), og alle grensesnitt systemer. Dokumenttyper: AMS-datafeed og Tactical Information Targeting Analysis and Notification System (TITAN), systembeskrivelse og testpakker, notater, evalueringsrapporter, dokumentasjon fra kommersielle transportører, overholdelsesvurderinger og samarbeidsavtaler. Opptaksnummer: CBSA ENF 113 Narkotikastrategi for narkotika Beskrivelse: Beskriver rekorder knyttet til den nasjonale narkotikastrategien. Kan inkludere oppføringer knyttet til etablering eller bruk av elektroniske systemer som brukes til å administrere eller administrere programmet, inkludert det integrerte tullhåndhevelsessystemet (ICES). Dokumenttyper: Treasury Board Submission, Baseline Studie, Utkast til Implementerings Evaluering, Utkast til kostnadseffektivitetsstudie, Konsekvensutredning, Årsresultatrapport, Intelligensrapport, Advarsler og Bulletins Recordnummer: CBSA ENF 114 Food, Plant and Animal (FPA) Programbeskrivelse: Beskriver poster relatert til mat-, plante - og dyreprogrammet. Kan inkludere registreringer relatert til etablering eller bruk av elektroniske systemer som brukes til å administrere eller administrere programmet, inkludert det akselererte kommersielle operativstøttesystemet (ACROSS), Advance Commercial Information System (TITAN), Toll Commercial System (CCS) og Facility Information Retrieval Management System (FIRM). Dokumenttyper: Skjemaer, Fakturaer, Varsel om reisendeavbrudd, Levende dyrinspeksjoner, Opptakskrav for treemballasje, Planlagt inspeksjonsgebyr, Brukt landbruksutstyr - Importprosedyrer, Notater og Memoranda for forståelse. Rekordnummer: CBSA ADM 130 Programvare for mat, plante og dyr Programbeskrivelse: Denne banken beskriver informasjon som brukes til støtte for programmet Food, Plant and Animal (FPA), som gir retningslinjer og prosedyrer for inspeksjoner og importexportkontroll av mat, planter og dyr inn i og ut av Canada. Den personlige informasjonen kan inneholde navn, kontaktinformasjon og forretningsidentifikasjonsnummer. Merk: I tillegg til kravene angitt på Treasury Board of Canadas sekretariat Personlig Informasjonsforespørselsskjema, må enkeltpersoner som ber om informasjon beskrevet av denne banken oppgi bedriftsidentifikasjonsnummer, navn og kontaktinformasjon. Klasse av personer: Allmennheten. Formål: Den personlige informasjonen brukes til å administrere programmet Food, Plant and Animal (FPA). Personlig informasjon er samlet inn i henhold til Seksjon 5 i Canada Border Services Agency Act. Konsekvent bruk: Informasjonen kan brukes eller avsløres internt for følgende formål: håndheving, rapportering til ledende ansatte, sikkerhet, sikkerhet og evaluering. Personlig informasjon kan også deles med: Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) med det formål å administrere og håndheve CFIA-lovgivningen, refererer til: Undersøkelser: Overtredelse av lover og forskrifter CFIA PPU 096 Miljø Canada for å håndheve villdyr og plantevern og forordningen om internasjonal og interprovinsiell handelslov (WAPPRIITA) Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) for å håndheve fiskeriloven og lov om kystfiskebeskyttelse, henvises til: DFO-overtredelser DFO PPU 460 Personlige opplysninger kan også deles med Federal, Provincial andor kommunale rettshåndhevende organer med henblikk på rettshåndhevelse. Retensjons - og Bortskaffelsesstandarder: Registre vil bli beholdt i 6 år (pluss nåværende år) blir så ødelagt. RDA-nummer: 2000033 Beslektet postnummer: CBSA ADM 130 TBS Registrering: 20130230 Banknummer: CBSA PPU 062 Vårt manglende barn Programbeskrivelse: Beskriver poster relatert til Our Missing Children Program. Kan inkludere registre relatert til etablering eller bruk av elektroniske systemer som brukes til å administrere eller administrere programmet, inkludert det integrerte tollhåndhevelsessystemet (ICES), Field Operational Support System (FOSS), National Case Management System (NCMS) og Intelligence Management System IMS). Dokumenttyper: Vår manglende rapport for barnutvinningsrapport: CBSA ENF 133 Container Security Initiative Beskrivelse: Beskriver poster relatert til Container Security Initiative (CSI). Kan inkludere registreringer relatert til etablering eller bruk av elektroniske systemer som brukes til å administrere eller administrere programmet, inkludert Advance Commercial Information System (TITAN), Intelligence Management System (IMS), Integrated Customs Enforcement System (ICES) og den akselererte kommersielle Release Operations Support System (ACROSS). Dokumenttyper: Prosessflytdiagrammer, Avtaler, CSI-rammedokumentasjon, Samarbeidsdokument, Tjenestemotorsavtale (CMAA) og tilhørende samarbeidsavtaler. Registreringsnummer: CBSA ENF 104 Air Examination Program Beskrivelse: Beskriver poster relatert til personer, varer og fly som ankommer til internasjonale flyplasser. Kan inkludere registreringer relatert til etablering eller bruk av elektroniske systemer som brukes til å administrere eller administrere programmet, inkludert Integrert Tollvesenet System (ICES), Integrert Primær Inspeksjonslinje (IPIL), Sekundært Behandlingssystem, Accelerated Commercial Release Operations Support System (ACROSS) , Forekomstrapporteringssystem (ORS), Integrated Border Query (IBQ), Foss Operations Support System (FOSS). Datamaskinassistert innvandringsprosesseringssystem (CAIPS), Det kanadiske politimedisinssenter (CPIC), Klientstatusspørsmål (CSQ), Modern War Crimes System (MWCS), Støtte System for Intelligence (SSI), Global Case Management System (GCMS), Automatisert fingeravtrykk System (AFIS). Dokumenttyper: Skjemaer, håndbøker, retningslinjer, forståelsesmemoranda, passasjer og håndhevelseshistorikk. Opptaksnummer: CBSA ENF 121 Traveler Processing Beskrivelse: Beskriver poster relatert til personer, varer og transportmidler som kommer til kanadiske innfartshavner. Spesifikke bare for landmodus, poster inkluderer også utgangsinformasjon (fra Canada). Kan inneholde oppføringer knyttet til etablering eller bruk av elektroniske systemer som brukes til å administrere eller administrere programmet. Merk: Meldinger kan lagres i følgende systemer: Integrert Tollforsyningssystem (ICES), Integrert Primær Inspeksjonslinje (IPIL). Passasjerinformasjonssystem (PAXIS). Telefon Reporting Center System (TRCS). Sekundært Behandlingssystem (SP). Passage History Database (PH). Forekomstrapporteringssystem (ORS). Intelligence Management System (IMS). Integrert Border Query (IBQ). Field Operations Support System (FOSS). Computer Assisted Immigration Processing System (CAIPS). Kanadiske politiet Informasjonssenter (CPIC), National Crime Information Center (NCIC). Kunde Status Spørring (CSQ). Modern War Crimes System (MWCS). Secure Tracking System (STS). Støtte System for Intelligence (SSI). National Case Management System (NCMS). Global Case Management System (GCMS) og det automatiserte Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS). Dokumenttyper: Skjemaer, håndbøker, retningslinjer, forståelsesmemoranda, passasjer og håndhevelseshistorikk. Rekordnummer: CBSA ENF 129 Traveler Processing Beskrivelse: Denne banken beskriver informasjon om personer som kommer inn i Canada via en kanadisk inngangsport. Dette består av personer 45 inkludert fotgjengere 45 ombord på personlige eller kommersielle transportmidler, inkludert mannskap. Personopplysningene som er innhentet, kan omfatte navn, kontaktinformasjon, statsborgerskap, fødselsdato, fødested, kjønn, dato og tidspunkt for innreise, inngangsport, reisedokumenttype (f. eks. Pass), inkludert identifikasjonsnummer og utstedelsesland, medlemskap Programinformasjon, dvs. NEXUS, bosted og FOSS-ID-nummer. In the land mode, passenger vehicle license plate information is collected. Note: In addition to the requirements specified on the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Personal Information Request form, individuals requesting information described by this bank must provide the subject and date of examination at the border as well as the location of the port of entry. Bank formerly called CIC PPU 001 . Class of Individuals: General travelling public. Purpose: The personal information is used in support of the administration of traveller processing activities. The personal information captured creates a passage history and allows the CBSA to initiate real time queries against enforcement actions and lookouts. Personal information is collected pursuant to R41 and R40 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations . Consistent Uses: The information may be used or disclosed to assist CBSAs enforcement program, for program evaluation and for reporting purposes. The information may also be disclosed in support of domestic law enforcement and other partner agencies for the purpose of administration and enforcement of Acts of Parliament. Retention and Disposal Standards: Records will be retained for six years plus the current year and then are destroyed. RDA Number: 2006004 Related Record Number: CBSA ENF 129 TBS Registration: 20110290 Bank Number: CBSA PPU 1101 EntryExit Traveller Processing Description: This bank describes information about individuals who enter Canada through all modes of travel or leave Canada through automated common land border crossings between Canada and the United States (U. S.). The personal information collected may include traveller exit data elements: firstgiven name, middle name, last namesurname, nationality (citizenship), date of birth, gender, port of entry, travel document type (e. g. passport), travel document number, travel document country of issuance, date and time of entry. For individuals entering Canada from the U. S. this information will be collected indirectly as an extraction of the personal information currently collected as part of the CBSArsquos traveller processing activities. For individuals exiting Canada, this information will be collected at American land Ports of Entry and subsequently shared with Canada pursuant to an information sharing arrangement with the United States. Under the auspices of the ldquoBeyond the Border Action Planrdquo . Canada and the U. S. will share this biographic entry data such that an entry into one country is considered an exit from the other thereby establishing an integrated and coordinated approach to border management. Class of Individuals: Third-country nationals, permanent residents of Canada and lawful permanent residents of the United States. Note: Third-country nationals refer to persons who are not citizens of Canada or the U. S. under each countryrsquos respective laws. The use of the term third-country nationals is meant to exclude citizens of either country. Purpose: The personal information is collected and used for the purposes of improving border management by enabling the CBSA to monitor the flow of persons entering and departing from Canada. In effect, this will enhance the public safety and security of Canada by increasing the effectiveness of the Admissibility Determination and Immigration Enforcement program activities by enabling these functions to better determine who has left Canada. Personal information is collected pursuant to the Canada Border Services Agency Act subsection 5(1) . the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA) subsection 4(2), paragraph 20(1)(b) and subsection 28(1) . Consistent Uses: The information may be used or disclosed internally for the following purposes: statistical analysis, program administration and program evaluation. The data collected regarding the class of individuals listed will be compared against extracts of immigration warrants, removal orders, and a subset of Enforcement Information Index lookouts to: facilitate the CBSArsquos ability to focus immigration enforcement actions and investigations on persons in Canada and facilitate the Government of Canadarsquos ability to determine the whereabouts of persons whom are wanted for reasons of national security, serious criminality, crimes against humanity or war crimes, and organized criminality. The data collected in this bank will be reconciled against information stored in the Traveller Processing Personal Information Bank CBSA PPU 1101 to create a record of departures from Canada and to enable the accumulation of traveller history information. Statistical analyses of the data will be conducted to: evaluate program integrity and gain insight into trends and patterns to inform program policy decisions. Information may also be disclosed to the United States of America - Customs and Border Protection for the purposes of administering and enforcing U. S. immigration laws and in support of national security. Disclosure of the information to the U. S. is completed pursuant to the Beyond the Border Action Plan: A Shared Vision for Perimeter Security and Economic Competitiveness . Information may also be disclosed to Citizenship amp Immigration Canada (CIC) refer to: Immigration Case File CIC PPU 042 . Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) refer to: Criminal Operational Intelligence Records RCMP PPU 015 and Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) refer to: Canadian Security Intelligence Service Investigational Records CSIS PPU 045 for the purposes of immigration law enforcement. Retention and Disposal Standards: Records will be retained for 75 years from the date of collection and will then be destroyed. RDA Number: 2006004 Related Record Number: CBSA ENF 129 TBS Registration: 20120435 Bank Number: CBSA PPU 1202 Marine Container Examination Program Description: Describes records related to the Container Examination Program. May include records related to the establishment or use of electronic systems used to administer or manage the program including the Advance Commercial Information System (TITAN), electronic targeting tools and various interface systems. Document Types: Tactical Information Targeting Analysis and Notification System (TITAN), system description and test packages, Memos, Enforcement Manual Part 4 Chapter 5, documentation from commercial carriers, evaluation reports, compliance reviews, and Memoranda of Understanding. Record Number: CBSA ENF 132 Rail Contraband Examination Program Description: Describes records related to the Rail Contraband Examination Program. May include records related to the establishment or use of electronic systems used to administer or manage the program including the Accelerated Commercial Release Operations Support System (ACROSS), the Customs Commercial System (CCS), the Facility Information Retrieval Management System (FIRM), the Integrated Customs Enforcement System (ICES), and Citizenship and Immigration Canadas Field Operations Support System (FOSS). Document Types: Forms, Memos, Customs Enforcement Manual, Rail Examination Policy and Procedures, Briefing Notes, Ministerial Correspondence, Policies, Directives, Manuals, Operational Memoranda, Standard Operating Procedures. Record Number: CBSA ENF 134 Customs Seizure Records Description: This bank describes seizure records, personal information about individuals who are suspected or known to be violators of the laws enforced in whole or in part by Agency officials. The bank also describes information on corporations companies and organizations that are known to have, or are suspected to have been involved in offences. Information may also be retained in Customs Officers notebooks - Customs form CE1. Class of Individuals: Members of the general public. Purpose: This information is used by the Agency, as well as by domestic and foreign law enforcement and investigative agencies, in the administration or enforcement of the laws especially as it concerns the laws relating to the importation and exportation of goods. Consistent Uses: In detention, prevention, or suppression of criminal activity and statistical purposes. Retention and Disposal Standards: Records will be maintained for a minimum of ten years and will then be destroyed. RDA Number: 2000033 Related Record Number: CBSA ENF 121, CBSA ENF 129, CBSA ENF 132, CBSA ENF 134 TBS Registration: 000007 Bank Number: CBSA PPU 015 Air Cargo Security Initiative Description: Describes records relating to the Air Cargo Security (ACS) Initiative and may include information relating to the development of a comprehensive air cargo security that mitigates the risks associated with explosives in cargo or mail and the use of cargo aircraft as weapons. Document Types: Air Cargo Security Project Charter for Transport Canada and Canada Border Services Agency (November 2007), Briefing Notes, Minutes, Agendas, Memoranda to Cabinet, draft Treasury Board Submissions and other administrative records. Record Number: CBSA ENF 100 CBSA ProgramsOperations Systems Development Record Number: CBSA ENF 137 Primary Automated Lookout System - Airport Description: This bank describes an index from the Policy Information Retrieval System (PIRS) which contains information on past and potential Customs violators. The Primary Automated Lookout System allows primary Customs Inspectors at all international airports to initiate name queries against a database of selected cases. Class of Individuals: Members of the general public. Purpose: The purpose of this bank is to assist Customs Inspectors in the screening process for travellers. The bank is maintained by Citizenship and Immigration Canada and is used by the Agency. Consistent Uses: The information is used primarily to identify individuals who have committed infractions against the Customs Act, Excise Act, the ExportPermits Control Act and Agriculture Canada. Retention and Disposal Standards: Records will be retained for a minimum of six years and will then be destroyed. RDA Number: 2000033 Related Record Number: CBSA ENF 137 TBS Registration: 003321 Bank Number: CBSA PPU 117 Ferry andor Tour Boat Program Description: Describes records related to the Ferry and Tour Boat Program. This program develops policies and procedures for ferry and tour boat operators, which ensure that the people and goods that they import into Canada are processed at designated Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) offices. May include records related to the establishment or use of electronic systems used to administer or manage the program including the Integrated Customs Enforcement System (ICES) and Citizenship and Canadarsquos Field Operations Support System (FOSS). Document Types: Standard Operating Procedures, Statistical Records Record Number: CBSA ADM 115 Cruise Ship Program Description: Describes records relating to the Cruise Ship Program. May include records related to the establishment or use of electronic systems used to administer or manage the program including the Integrated Primary Inspection Line (IPIL), the Integrated Customs Enforcement System (ICES), the Police Information Retrieval System (PIRS), the Field Operation Support System (FOSS) and Canadian Police Information Centre (CPIC). Document Types: Memos, Forms, Small Cruise Ship Full Clearance Notices and Cruise Ship Statistical Records, website related materials and Cruise Ship Long-Range Planning Committee minutes and related records. Record Number: CBSA ADM 113 Harmonized Risk Scoring and Advance Trade Data (HRS-ATD) Record Number: CBSA ENF 109 Advance Commercial Information (ACI) Program Description: Describes records related to the ACI Program, which may include risk assessments on conveyances and goods prior to their arrival in Canada, in order to identify health, safety and security threats, the establishment or use of electronic systems used to administer or manage the program including the Accelerated Commercial Release Operations Support System (ACROSS), Integrated Customs System (ICS) and the Consolidated Management Reporting System (CMRS). Document Types: Advance Commercial Information (ACI) Marine and Air Client Documents. Record Number: CBSA PRO 002 Interdepartmental and Intergovernmental Relations Program Description: Describes records relating to the Interdepartmental and Intergovernmental Relations Program which describes written information sharing collaborative agreements between the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) and federal departments. Records may also include Travellers Declaration Cards, Casual Goods Accounting Documents, records or reports from electronic systems used to administer or manage the program including the Travellers Entry Processing System (TEPS), the Customs Commercial System (CCS), the Facility for Information Retrieval Management (FIRM) and the Travellers National Database System (TRANDS). Document Types: Memoranda of Understanding, Letters of Understanding, Information Sharing Agreements, policy, guidance materials, Memos and Forms. Record Number: CBSA ADM 132 Traveller Declaration Cards Description: This bank describes information used in support of the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) Travellers Border Programs, specifically the E311 Traveller Declaration Card. The personal information may include name, date of birth, citizenship, contact information and signature. For visitors to Canada, the duration of stay in Canada and if the duty-free allowances are exceeded for residents of Canada, the date of departure and the value of goods CAN purchased or received abroad (including gifts, alcohol and tobacco). In addition, responses to a number of questions are also requested: the mode of transport used, the origin of the arrival, purpose of trip, goods brought or unaccompanied in Canada, and if a visit has been made or scheduled to a farm. Class of Individuals: All persons entering Canada, including but not limited to, Canadian citizens, permanent residents, visitors, crew members, diplomats, military personnel, refugees, immigrants, former residents. Purpose: The personal information is collected pursuant to the Customs Act . Customs Tariff . Immigration and Refugee and Protection Act (IRPA) . Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act (PCMLTFA) and Subsection 5(3) of the Reporting of Imported Goods Regulations for the purposes of facilitating compliance with travellers obligations to report their goods in writing upon entry into Canada including the collection of duty and taxes owing on those goods imported into Canada and to administer laws that enforce, prohibit, control and regulate the importation of goods into Canada and the movement of people coming into Canada. Consistent Uses: Information may be disclosed internally to the CBSA Enforcement and Intelligence Operations Directorate for the purposes of assisting CBSAs enforcement program, and criminal investigations operations. Information may be disclosed externally to Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) and the Public Health Agency of Canada for the purposes of Program integrity refer to: Employment Benefits, Support Measures and Other Programs ESDC PPU 293 and Traveler Illness Reports PHAC PPU 071 . Information may also be disclosed to Statistics Canada for the purposes of evaluation and statistical reporting. Information may also be disclosed to police forces, investigative agencies and other Countries for the purposes of criminal investigations law enforcement. Retention and Disposal Standards: Files are retained for seven years from the date stamped on the travellers declaration card (date of the interview between the traveller and the border services officer or date stamped on the traveller receipt when the traveller uses the Automated Border Clearance or NEXUS kiosk). After this period, the records are destroyed. RDA Number: 2000033 Related Record Number: CBSA ADM 132 TBS Registration: 002271 Bank Number: CBSA PPU 018 Delayed Baggage Report Description: This bank describes information that is related to delayed baggage reports for travellers arriving in Canada by air. The personal information may include name, contact information, citizenship status and date of birth. Class of Individuals: General public. Purpose: The personal information is used to administer the admissibility of goods contained within personal luggage, to determine eligibility for the application of duty and taxes for travellers entering Canada and to allow traveller representatives to present goods for inspection on their behalf. Consistent Uses: The information may be used or disclosed for the following purposes: Enforcement and Evaluation. Personal information may be shared with airline carriers and baggage handling companies. Retention and Disposal Standards: Records will be retained for 2 years from the date of the last administrative action and then are destroyed. RDA Number: 2000033 Related Record Number: CBSA ADM 132 TBS Registration: 20120074 Bank Number: CBSA PPU 1109 Targeting - Commercial Description: Describes records related to Targeting Program. May include records related to the establishment or use of electronic systems to administer or manage commercial targeting including the Integrated Customs Enforcement System (ICES), Accelerated Commercial Release Operational Support System (ACROSS) and Tactical Information Targeting Analysis and Notification System (TITAN). Document Types: Statistical reports, Briefing Notes, Standard Operating Procedures, Memoranda of Understanding, evaluation reports, program documentation, documentation from importing community and commercial carriers, compliance reviews and investigations. Record Number: CBSA PRO 004 Bay Plan Reporting Initiative Description: Describes records related to the Bay Plan Reporting Initiative. This initiative provides the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) with advance information pertaining to the content of commercial vessels. May include records related to the establishment or use of electronic systems used to administer or manage the program including Tactical Information Targeting Analysis and Notification System (TITAN), Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), Accelerated Commercial Release Operation Support System (ACROSS) and the Administrative Monetary Penalty System (AMPS). Document Types: BAPLIE documentation, Tactical Information Targeting Analysis and Notification System (TITAN) description, test packages. Record Number: CBSA ENF 101 Strategic Export Control Program Description: Describes records relating to the Strategic Export Control Program which may include export policies related to the export of strategic or controlled goods to countries that pose a threat to Canada and its allies. Records may also include policies related to the detention of stolen vehicles and property obtained by crimes which are destined for export, the establishment or use of electronic systems used to administer or manage the program including the Integrated Customs Enforcement System (ICES), the Intelligence Management System (IMS), the Integrated Customs System (ICS), and the Accelerated Commercial Release Operations Support System (ACROSS), Canadian Police Information Centre (CPIC - RCMP), Customs Automated Export Declaration (CAED - Statistics Canada), Export Controls on Line (EXCOL ndash Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT)) and Business Number Production (BNPROD ndash Canada Revenue Agency). Document Types: Specialized export permits and licences such as from Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, Environment Canada, or Health Canada detention and seizure reports by Border Services Officers shipping documentation (such as waybillsmanifests) relating to export shipments Memorandum of Understanding Memos. Record Number: CBSA ENF 119 Investments to Combat the Criminal Use of Firearms Initiative Description: Describes records related to the Investments to Combat the Criminal Use of Firearms Initiative. May include records related to the establishment or use of electronic systems used to administer or manage the program including the Integrated Customs Enforcement System (ICES), Field Operational Support System (FOSS), National Case Management System (NCMS) and the Intelligence Management System (IMS). Document Types: Evaluation Performance Report, Intelligence Reports and Intelligence Alerts. Record Number: CBSA ENF 112 Overt Audio-Video Surveillance Description: Describes records that include audiovideo footage of CBSA operations including primary inspection line (PIL) interviews, secondary examinations, interactions at CBSA information counters, cashier counters, commercial counters, detention cells, and interview rooms. Document Types: Audio-video and video-only recordings. Access: Recordings are stored by date and time the recording was made. For ATIP requests please ensure to reference date, time and location. Record Number: CBSA BPD 1101 Overt Audio-Video Surveillance Description: This bank describes information that is used in support of audio-video and video only surveillance recordings generated by overt audio-video recording systems at CBSA ports of entry and inland offices. The personal information may include name, contact information, biographical information, citizenship status, criminal checkshistory, date of birth, educational information, employment equity information, financial information, medical information, physical attributes and place of birth. Merk . In addition to the requirements specified on the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Personal Information Request form, individuals requesting information described by this bank must provide the subject and date of correspondence, incident and location and legal authority for those acting on behalf of an account holder or estate. Class of Individuals: General public. Purpose: The personal information is used to provide services for the overt audio-video surveillance activities. Personal information is collected pursuant to 5(1)(a) of the Canada Border Services Agency Act . Consistent Uses: The information may be used or disclosed for the following purposes: enforcement, reporting to senior management, safety, security and evaluation. Audio-video recordings may be shared with Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) and other Federal law enforcement Agencies for investigative and enforcement purposes. Audio-video recordings may be shared with provincial law enforcement agencies for the purpose of enforcing federal andor provincial law. Audio-video recordings may be shared with municipal or regional law enforcement agencies for the purpose of enforcing federal andor provincial law. Audio-video recordings may be shared with Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) Investigations, Intelligence, Security and Professional Standards to enforce federal andor provincial law. Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA): The development of a PIA is in progress. The expected completion date is September 30, 2012. Retention and Disposal Standards: Currently under development. RDA Number: Currently under development. Related Class of Record Number: CBSA BPD 1101 TBS Registration: 20110287 Bank Number: CBSA PPU 1104 Security Screening The Security Screening Program is responsible for the security screening of foreign nationals who have been referred to the CBSA by a Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) visa officer abroad or in Canada, who are seeking to come to Canada as a permanent resident, temporary resident (e. g. visitor) or refugee, or are already in Canada and seeking to remain as a temporary or permanent resident. The CBSA is responsible for ensuring that there are no security concerns related to the individual seeking entry to Canada (e. g. counter terrorism, counter espionage, war crimes, crimes against humanity and organized crime) and, based on a thorough screening exercise (including the review of information and intelligence from a wide variety of internal and external sources), makes a recommendation to CIC on the admissibility of the individual. This program is also responsible for determining the admissibility of senior diplomats being posted to Ottawa to ensure that they meet the admissibility requirements of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act . CBSA ProgramsOperations Systems Development Record Number: CBSA ENF 137 Secure Tracking System Description: This bank describes information gathered by Canadian or foreign investigative bodies or law enforcement agencies on persons who are involved in andor associated with any organization involved in war crimes, crimes against humanity andor terrorist activities, or persons associated with criminal organizations, and whose admission or presence in Canada may be contrary to immigration or citizenship legislation. This bank also describes information on all applicants who are referred to National Headquarters regardless of final admissibility. Information is classified to the SECRET level. The scope is being expanded to include information relevant to all of the Intelligence Directorate, including elements of the Customs program. Class of Individuals: Persons seeking admission to Canada, as well as those already in Canada as visitors, permanent residents of Canada and Temporary Resident Permit holders and naturalized citizens who are known to engage or are suspected of engaging in activities contrary to the immigrationcitizenship legislation. Purpose: Information contained in this bank may be used in the administration and enforcement of citizenship and immigration legislation. Consistent Uses: The information may be disclosed to the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) for the purpose of investigations related to immigration and citizenship legislation. It may also be disclosed to provincial authorities for assessment under the terms of an agreement or arrangement. Uses also include the sharing of information with Solicitor General Canada, CSIS, the Department of Justice and the RCMP where these uses are pursuant to the law. Information may also be disclosed to various foreign governments, law enforcement bodies and detaining authorities with respect to the administration and enforcement of immigrationcitizenship legislation. Other uses may include the sharing of information with the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada, Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada (FINTRAC), Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada as well as with provincial or municipal government departments under the terms of an agreement and for research purposes. It may also be shared with foreign governments under the terms of an agreement or arrangement in order to conduct a lawful investigation or administer or enforce any law. Information obtained from Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada, Health Canada, the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada that contained in IRB 105 (Immigration Appeal Board Records), IRB PPU 110 (Immigration Appeal Division Records) IRB PPU 115 (Convention Refugee Division Records), and IRB PPU 145 (Research Director, Claim Specific Information), CSIS, the RCMP and some Canada Border Services Agency 175 provincial government departments may be shared for the purpose of administering or enforcing legislation. Retention and Disposal Standards: Case involving organized crime, is retained ten years from the last administrative action. Upon expiry of the retention period, some of these records will be preserved by the National Archives of Canada. Information regarding known and suspected terrorists, and person known to have committed war crimes or crimes against humanity is retained for 50 years, the records are then destroyed. RDA Number: 88012 Related Record Number: CBSA ENF 137 TBS Registration: 005311 Bank Number: CBSA PPU 033 Organized Crime Program Description: Describes records relating to the Organized Crime Program. May include records related to the establishment or use of electronic systems used to administer or manage the program including the: Integrated Customs Enforcement System (ICES), the Intelligence Management System (IMS), Field Operations Support System (FOSS) Computer Assisted Immigrant Processing System (CAIPS) Secure Tracking System (STS), Support System for Intelligence (SSI) and the National Case Management System (NCMS). From other agencies, we have access to the Canadian Police Information Centre (CPIC). Document Types: Lookouts, Alerts, Threat Assessments, Screening Aids, Danger Opinions, Guidelines and Memoranda of Understanding. Record Number: CBSA ENF 116 Organized Crime Data Bank (OCSS) Description: This bank describes information used in support of the Organized Crime Data Bank. The Personal Information may include name, contact information, biographical information, biometric information, citizenship status, criminal records, date of birth, medical information, physical attributes and place of birth. Class of Individuals: General Public. Purpose: Information contained in this bank may be used in the administration and enforcement of citizenship and immigration legislation. The authority to collect personal information is authorized by sections 5 of the Canada Border Services Act, Sections 11, 12, 13, 98, 99 and 101 of the Customs Act, Sections 15 and 18 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, as well as Sections 12 and 18 of the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act. Consistent Uses: The information may be disclosed to the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) and the Department of Finance for the purpose of the conducting investigations related to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act. It may also be disclosed to provincial authorities for assessment under the terms of an agreement of arrangement. Uses also include the sharing of information with Solicitor General Canada, CSIS, The Department of Justice, the Department of Finance and the RCMP where these uses are pursuant to the law. Information may also be disclosed to various foreign governments, law enforcement bodies and detaining authorities with respect to the administration and enforcement of immigration legislation. Other uses may include the sharing of information with the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada, Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada as well as with provincial or municipal government departments under the terms of an agreement and for research purposes. It may also be shared with foreign government authorities under the terms of an agreement or arrangement in order to conduct a lawful investigation or administer or enforce any law. Information obtained from Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada, Health Canada, the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA), the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (that contained in IRB PPU 105-Immigration Appeal Board Records, IRB PPU 110-Immigration Appeal Division Records, IRB PPU 115-Convention Refugee Determination Division Records and IRB PPU 145-Rsearch Directives, Claim Specific Information), CSIS, the RCMP and some provincial government departments may be shared for the purpose of administering or enforcing the immigration legislation and to administer and conduct the appeals process under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act. Retention and Disposal Standards: Information on controversial cases, such as those involving organized crime, is retained 10 years after the last administrative action. Upon expiry of the retention period, some of theses records will be preserves by the National Archives of Canada for archival purposes. RDA Number: 88012 Related Record Number: CBSA ENF 116 TBS Registration: 005209 Bank Number: CBSA PPU 030 Cross-Border Currency Reporting (CBCR) Program Description: Describes records related to the Cross-Border Currency Reporting Program that enables the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) to fulfil its mandate under the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act (PCMLTFA). May include records related to the establishment or use of electronic systems used to administer or manage the program including the Canada Border Services Agencyrsquos (CBSA) Integrated Customs Enforcement System (ICES). Document Types: Memos, Forms, Manuals and Policy. Record Number: CBSA ENF 124 Canadas War Crimes Program Description: Describes records related to the Canadas War Crimes Program. May include records related to the establishment or use of electronic systems used to administer or manage the program including the Integrated Customs Enforcement System (ICES), the Intelligence Management System (IMS), Field Operations Support System (FOSS), Modern War Crimes System (MWCS), Computer Assisted Immigrant Processing System (CAIPS) Secure Tracking System (STS), National Case Management System (NCMS) and the Canadian Police Information Centre (CPIC). Document Types: Reports, Briefing Notes Record Number: CBSA ENF 102 Canadas War Crimes Program Description: This bank describes information about individuals suspected of or related to modern war crimes or crimes against humanity. Information is compiled from open sources such as reports from international organizations and human rights groups, information screening tools of the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) and from Canadian or foreign investigative bodies and law enforcement agencies. The personal information may include name, contact information, biographical information, citizenship status and nature of alleged war crime or crime against humanity. Class of Individuals: Individuals who are associated with modern war crimes or crimes against humanity. Purpose: The personal information is used to provide services for the permanent resident, temporary resident, refugee and citizenship programs and activities of Citizenship and Immigration Canada relative to admissibility to Canada. Personal information is collected under the authority of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA). Consistent Uses: The information may be used or disclosed for the following purposes: archival, enforcement, reporting to senior management and audit, evaluation, research. Information may be shared with the Canadian Security Intelligence Services (Security Assessments Advice SIS PPU 005) the Immigration and Refugee Board (Immigration Appeal Board (IAB) Records IRB PPU 105, Immigration Appeal Division (IAD) Records IRB PPU 110, Immigration Division Case Files IRB PPU 140, Research Directives - Claim and Claimant-Specific Information IRB PPU 145, Refugee Protection Division Records IRB PPU 115): Citizenship and Immigration Canada (Immigration Case File CIC PPU 042) the Department of Justice (Civil Proceedings and Legal Services JUS PPU 010) the Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada (Financial Intelligence Analysis Database FINTRAC PPU 020) Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Information may be shared with various foreign governments, law enforcement bodies and detaining authorities. Information may be shared with the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia. Information may be shared with Provincial and Municipal authorities. Retention and Disposal Standards: Under development. RDA Number: Under development. Related Record Number: CBSA ENF 102 TBS Registration: 005208 Bank Number: CBSA PPU 028 Fugitive Information Bank Description: The bank describes information that may include photos, fingerprints and narrative descriptions of individuals of interest to the War Crimes Unit. Class of Individuals: Persons of interest to the War Crimes Unit andor subject to immigration warrants. Purpose: To assist colleagues within the Department, police forces, and other enforcement partners with the identification. Consistent Uses: Information is shared with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) (SIS PPU 005 SRS PPU 005), and the U. S.A. Department of Homeland Security. Retention and Disposal Standards: Records are retained for execution of warrant or person(s) of interest, and subject to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and then destroyed. RDA Number: 90002 Related Record Number: CBSA ENF 102 TBS Registration: 005200 Bank Number: CBSA PPU 020 Counter Terrorism Program Description: Describes records related to the Counter Terrorism Program. May include records related to the establishment or use of electronic systems used to administer or manage the program including the Integrated Customs Enforcement System (ICES), the Intelligence Management System (IMS), Field Operations Support System (FOSS), Computer Assistance Immigration Processing System (CAIPS), Secure Tracking System (STS) and National Case Management System (NCMS). Document Types: Reports, Briefing Notes, Lookouts, Alerts, Threat Assessments, Screening Aids, Danger Opinions, Security Certificate, Case files and Memoranda of Understanding Record Number: CBSA ENF 105 Air Examination Program Record Number: CBSA ENF 121 Traveller Processing Record Number: CBSA ENF 129 Traveller Processing Related Record Number: CBSA ENF 129 Bank Number: CBSA PPU 1101 Marine Container Examination Program Record Number: CBSA ENF 132 Rail Contraband Examination Program Record Number: CBSA ENF 134 Customs Seizure Records Related Record Number: CBSA ENF 121, CBSA ENF 129, CBSA ENF 132, CBSA ENF 134 Bank Number: CBSA PPU 015 Secure and Trusted Partnerships Through the Secure and Trusted Partnerships program, the CBSA works closely with clients, other government departments and international border management partners to enhance trade chain and traveller security while providing pre-approved, low-risk travellers and traders with streamlined and efficient border processes. The CBSA develops and administers programs and cooperative agreements with its partners to ensure alignment with international standards (e. g. World Customs Organization SAFE Framework of Standards) and promote best practices in global border management. By increasing membership in trusted traveller and trader programs, the CBSA is able to improve its capacity to mitigate risk in advance and focus examination efforts on identifying travellers and traders of unknown or higher risk. International Events Description: Describes records related to facilitating the temporary importation of goods and entry of persons for international events held in Canada. These records include information that seeks Treasury Board funding as well as Cabinet support for certain initiatives, outlines policy, shows whether objectives have been met and whether policy and established processes are being followed, informs upper management of issues, requests remission from certain aspects of legislation, provides information and assistance to those planning events in Canada, accredits those attending events and expedites the clearance of persons and goods entering Canada temporarily for international events. Document Types: Audits, evaluations, briefing notes, incoming passenger lists, goods lists, itineraries, Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) control and commercial entry documents, brochures, Memos, Memoranda to Cabinet, Treasury Board Secretariat submissions, Orders in Council as well as records related to event specific Accreditation processes. Record Number: CBSA OPS 101 International Events Description: This bank describes information that is used in support of coordination and facilitation services for the temporary importation of goods and entry of persons for international events taking place in Canada. The personal information may include name, gender, contact information, nationality, date of birth, country of residence, passport and visa information. Note: In addition to the requirements specified on the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Personal Information Request form, individuals requesting information described by this bank must provide the subject and date of event and arrival date and city. Class of Individuals: Event organizers, customs brokers, delegated event representatives, performing artists, participants and officials of major sporting events, foreign dignitaries and delegates travelling with them, crew, support personnel and scientists participating in foreign research forays and exploratory or adventure expeditions. Purpose: Personal information is collected pursuant to Section 5 of The Canada Border Services Agency Act and is used to administer the International Events mandate. Consistent Uses: The information is used to provide advance notice to other government departments and ports of entry regarding the temporary entry of persons and goods. The overall use of the personal information collected by the International Events Section is to facilitate the temporary entry of individuals and goods into Canada. Information may be shared with applicable Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) programs and locations such as ports of entry. Information may also be shared with other applicable government institutions such as Citizenship and Immigration Canada, Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Transport Canada, and Canadian Food Inspection Agency, Health Canada, Canada Revenue Agency, Canadian Coast Guard, Environment Canada, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Department of National Defence, Canadian Tourism Commission, Department of Canadian Heritage, Industry Canada, Canadian Air Transport Security Authority, Royal Canadian Mounted Police and Natural Resources Canada. Retention and Disposal Standards: Currently under development. RDA Number: Currently under development. Related Class of Record Number: CBSA OPS 101 TBS Registration: 20110286 Bank Number: CBSA PPU 040 Health, Safety and Security Program Description: Describes records relating to the Health, Safety and Security Program. May include records related to the establishment or use of electronic systems used to administer or manage the program including the Accelerated Commercial Release Operations Support System (ACROSS), Customs Commercial System (CCS) and Facility for Information Retrieval Management (FIRM). Document Types: Memoranda of Understanding, Standard Operating Procedures, policy, guidance materials and Memos. Record Number: CBSA ADM 131 Asia-Pacific Gateway and Corridor Initiative (APGCI) Description: Describes records related to Asia-Pacific Gateway and Corridor Initiative (APGCI). May include records related to the establishment or use of electronic systems used to administer or manage the program including the Field Operations Support System (FOSS), the Integrated Border Query (IBQ), and the Accelerated Commercial Release Operating (ACROSS), the Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), and the Integrated Customs Enforcement System (ICES). Document Types: Accountability Documents, E-mails, Updates to the Interdepartmental Steering Committee on the Asia-Pacific Gateway and Corridor Initiative Record Number: CBSA ADM 104 Document Integrity Program Description: Describes records related to travel and identity documents used for international travel or for establishing status to border or immigration authorities and records relating to document and identity fraud. Note: Records may be found in the following systems: the National Case Management System (NCMS) . the Support System for Intelligence (SSI) . the Secure Tracking System (STS) . the Field Operations Support System (FOSS) and the Global Case Management System (GCMS) . Document Types: Document assessment records, alertsbulletins, training documentationmaterial, manuals, forms (Document Seizure), receipts, identity and travel document specimens, seized documents, fraudulent identity and travel documents, policiesdirectives, procedures and briefing material. Record Number: CBSA ENF 106 Document Integrity Program Description: This bank describes information that is used in support of Document Integrity Program which works to prevent the movement of unlawful people and goods across the border through the detection and analysis of document and identity fraud abroad, at ports of entry and in Canada and through collaboration with national and international partners on the integrity of their travel and identity documents and issuance processes. Personal information may include name, contact information, biographical information, biometric information, citizenship status, date of birth, personal identification numbers, physical attributes, place of birth and signature. Note: In addition to the requirements specified on the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Personal Information Request form, individuals requesting information described by this bank must provide the incident and location, Document number, Serial number, Document type, Country of Issue, and immigration client identification number where applicable. Personal information may be stored in the following systems: the Support System for Intelligence (SSI) . the Secure Tracking System (STS) . the Field Operational Support System (FOSS) and the Global Case Management System (GCMS) . Class of Individuals: General Public. Purpose: Personal information is collected pursuant to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA) and the Canada Border Services Agency ActM for the purposes of administering the Document Integrity Program. Consistent Uses: The information may be disclosed internally to the CBSA Operations and Programs Branches for the purposes of investigations, intelligence, enforcement, audit and evaluation, statistical analysis, reporting to senior management, program integrity and policy and procedural development and training. Information may be disclosed externally to Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) - including its Passport Program - for the purposes of administering and enforcing the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA) and the Citizenship Act refer to: Immigration Case File CIC PPU 042 . to the Public Prosecution Service of Canada . the Department of Justice (DOJ) and Courts of Law for prosecution, judicial review, and appeal purposes refer to: Prosecutions and Prosecution-Related Activities PPSC PPU 002 and Prosecution and Related Criminal Matters JUS PPU 015 . to the Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB) for the purposes of an admissibility determinations, detention reviews, interventions or appeals refer to: Immigration Division Case Files IRB PPU 140 . to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) and local law enforcement agencies for the purpose of enforcing Canadas criminal legislation relating to irregular migration, human smuggling and trafficking and fraud refer to: Operational Case Records RCMP PPU 005 . The information may also be disclosed externally with various Foreign Governments subject to multilateral Treaties, Mutual Legal Assistance Treaties, or Written Collaborative Agreements (WCA) for the purposes of the administration and enforcement of immigration and citizenship legislation and with the provincesterritories (ministries) for the purposes of document integrity and law enforcement. Retention and Disposal Standards: Under Development RDA Number: 2006004 Related Record Number: CBSA ENF 106 TBS Registration: 20140078 Bank Number: CBSA PPU 1404 CBSA ProgramsOperations Systems Development Record Number: CBSA ENF 137 Seized Documents (Web Passport) Description: This bank describes data on documents that have been seized principally in the Quebec Region for verification. The file contains, in particular, the serial numbers of such documents as passports, visas, Records of Landing, etc. It also contains information on the holders of these documents, such as the family name, first name, date of birth, country of citizenship and country of birth. Individuals who wish to consult this information must provide their family name, first name and date of birth. Class of Individuals: Holders of documents seized for verification. Purpose: This database is used by officers and clerks of the Intelligence Unit of the Quebec Region, to ensure better follow-up of intercepted documents and thus avoid fraud. Consistent Uses: None. Retention and Disposal Standards: Indeterminate. Certain documents may be claimed by their holders. RDA Number: 90002 Related Record Number: CBSA ENF 137 TBS Registration: 005191 Bank Number: CBSA PPU 034 Travel and Identity Document System (TIDS) Description: This bank describes records of seizures of travel or identity documents made in the course of port of entry examinations or authorized investigations under the authority of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act. Any travel or identity documents considered by Canada Post as lost are forwarded to Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) for disposal and are recorded for tracking purposes. The databank may contain information on the lawful owner of the documents, the bearer of the documents andor person from whom the documents were seized, the reasons for detention, the types of documents, and the ultimate disposition of the documents. Class of Individuals: Any persons documents seized by Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) or referral to Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) by Canada Post. Purpose: The purpose of the databank is to record events and key information related to these seizures as well as track handling and disposition of the documents. Personal information is collected pursuant to Section 140 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA) . Consistent Uses: Could be shared with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) for prosecution. Retention and Disposal Standards: Documents are held for five years or until the case that they relate to has been finally determined and are then destroyed. RDA Number: 90002 Related Record Number: CBSA ENF 137 TBS Registration: 005198 Bank Number: CBSA PPU 036 Trusted Traveller The Trusted Traveller Programs are designed to simplify the border clearance process for pre-approved, low-risk travellers entering Canada. The CBSA offers two programs for travellers, NEXUS and CANPASS. These programs streamline (expedite and simplify) border clearance. NEXUS is a joint initiative with the U. S. Customs and Border Protection in the air, land and marine modes of transportation, while CANPASS is a Canadian suite of programs for clients entering Canada by plane, corporate and private aircrafts and private boats. Both programs are available to citizens or permanent residents of Canada andor the United States and enable members to cross the border faster when travelling to Canada and, in the case of NEXUS, when traveling to the United States. Applicants to the programs must pass various assessments (e. g. security checks, interviews and risk assessments) specific to the program before being granted membership. NEXUS and CANPASS Air members can use iris recognition technology for passage processing at designated airports, and NEXUS members can use Radio Frequency Identification technology for processing at designated highway ports of entry. Members of NEXUS or the CANPASS Private Boat, CANPASS Corporate Aircraft or CANPASS Private Aircraft programs entering Canada by private aircraft, corporate aircraft or private boat must report their arrival in advance and make their declarations to the CBSA Telephone Reporting Centre. CANPASS Air Program Description: Describes records related to the CANPASS Air Program. May include records related to the establishment or use of electronic systems used to administer or manage the program including the Integrated Customs System (ICS), the Integrated Customs Enforcement System (ICES), Citizenship and Immigration Canadas Field Operations Support System (FOSS), the Royal Canadian Mounted Polices Canadian Police Information Centre (CPIC) and Police Information Retrieval System (PIRS), and the U. S. Federal Bureau of Investigations National Crime Information Center (NCIC). Document Types: Forms, website, program evaluation studies, member surveys, compliance reviews, Memoranda of Understanding and Information Sharing Agreements. Record Number: CBSA ADM 107 CANPASS Corporate and Private Aircraft Program Description: Describes records related to the CANPASS Corporate and Private Aircraft Program. May include records related to the establishment or use of electronic systems used to administer or manage the program such as Telephone Reporting Centre System (TRCS), Integrated Customs Enforcement System (ICES) and Citizenship and Immigration Canadas Field Operations Support System (FOSS). Document Types: Forms, CANPASS Application Forms, Memos. Record Number: CBSA ADM 108 CANPASS Private Boats Program Description: Describes records related to the CANPASS Private Boats Program. May include records related to the establishment or use of electronic systems used to administer or manage the program including the Integrated Customs Enforcement System (ICES), Citizenship and Immigration Canadas Field Operations Support System (FOSS), the Telephone Reporting Centres System (TRCS), the Canadian Police Information Centre (CPIC), the Police Information Retrieval System (PIRS) and the National Crime Information Centre (NCIC). Document Types: Forms, CANPASS Private Boats - Participants Guide, CANPASS Private Boats Brochure, Telephone Reporting For Private Boats and CANPASS Private Boats Program, Alternative Presentation Program Violation Card, CANPASS Application Forms. Record Number: CBSA ADM 109 Description: This bank describes information that is used in support of the CANPASS Program and may contain such information as name, address, date of birth, place of birth, client identification number, reason for referral, biometric information, correspondence to client concerning their application and status of application. Class of Individuals: General public. Purpose: The personal information is used to provide services for the CANPASS Program. Personal information is collected pursuant to Sections 107(1) . 11(6) and 11.1 of the Customs Act . Consistent Uses: Information is used internally with respect to the administration and enforcement of immigration legislation, and may be also be used internally for research, planning, evaluation and statistical analysis. Retention and Disposal Standards: The files are retained for two years after the last administrative action and then destroyed. RDA Number: 00033 Related Record Number: CBSA ADM 107, CBSA ADM 108, CBSA ADM 109 TBS Registration: 005202 Bank Number: CBSA PPU 002 CANPASS Remote Area Border Crossing (RABC) Program Description: Describes records related to the CANPASS Remote Area Border Crossing (RABC) Program. May include records related to the establishment or use of electronic systems used to administer and manage the program including the Integrated Customs Enforcement System (ICES) and Citizenship and Immigration Canadas Field Operations Support System (FOSS). Document Types: Forms, RABC Permits and administrative documents. Record Number: CBSA ADM 110 Remote Area Border Crossing Permit (RABC) Program Description: This bank describes information that is used in support of the Remote Area Border Crossing Permit (RABC) Program and may include name, date of birth, citizenship or resident status, address, convictions, reason for entering Canada, and telephone numbers. Class of Individuals: General Public. Purpose: The personal information is used to respond to requests for remote area border crossing permits and will be used to determine hisher eligibility. Personal information is collected pursuant to Sections 107(1), 11(6) and 11.1 of the Customs Act. Consistent Uses: All applicants will be checked against the U. S. authorities andor Canadian police data banks. The names and data of Canadian applicants will be checked by the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) to establish whether any narcotics convictions or smuggling offences exist. Retention and Disposal Standards: Paper records are kept for two years after the last administrative action. In some cases which involve complex issuesproceedings, they are kept for 10 years. After the retention period, the documents are destroyed. RDA Number: 90002 Related Record Number: CBSA ADM 110 TBS Registration: 002922 Bank Number: CBSA PPU 013 NEXUS Program Description: Describes records relating to the NEXUS program. May include records related to the establishment or use of electronic systems used to administer or manage the program including the Global Online Enrollment System (GOES), the Integrated Customs System (ICS), the Integrated Customs Enforcement System (ICES), Citizenship and Immigration Canadas Field Operations Support System (FOSS), the Royal Canadian Mounted Polices Canadian Police Information Centre (CPIC) and Police Information Retrieval System (PIRS), and the U. S. Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) National Crime Information Center (NCIC). Document Types: Forms, website, program evaluation studies, member surveys, compliance reviews and investigations, Memoranda of Understanding and Information Sharing Agreements. Record Number: CBSA ADM 117 Description: This bank describes information related to travellers wishing to participate in a pre-approval application process to determine eligibility for an expedited border clearance program known as NEXUS, i. e. dedicated lanes at the land border, kiosks at airports and telephone reporting in marine mode. The personal information may include full name, contact information, biographical information, biometric information, citizenship status, criminal checkshistory, date of birth, credit card information, and other identification numbers such as the birth certificate, driverrsquos license or passport, place of birth and signature. Class of Individuals: General Public. Purpose: To determine if an applicant can be approved to participate in an expedited border clearance program. Personal information is collected pursuant to Sections 107(1), 11(6) and 11.1 of the Customs Act. Consistent Uses: Information provided may be shared among the participating agencies and with other government law enforcement agencies to determine program eligibility. Retention and Disposal Standards: Files are retained for a minimum of two years, for as long as memberships are active, and for longer periods, as required to satisfy each programs administration requirements. The records are then destroyed. RDA Number: 2000033 Related Record Number: CBSA ADM 117 TBS Registration: 002788 Bank Number: CBSA PPU 031 Canadian Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Business Travel Card Program Description: Describes records related to the Canadian Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Business Travel Card (ABTC) initiative which offers its members expedited border clearance on arrival in Canada and facilitated border processing through access to special APEC lanes within the 21 participating countries: Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Canada, Chile, China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Peru, the Philippines, Russia, Singapore, Chinese Taipei, Thailand, the United States and Vietnam. Note: Records may be found in the following systems: the Global Online Enrollment System (GOES) . the Integrated Customs System (ICS) . the Canadian Police Information Centre (CPIC) . the Police Information Retrieval System (PIRS) . the Field Operational Support System (FOSS) . the National Crime Information System (NCIS) . the Integrated Customs Enforcement System (ICES) . the Global Enrolment Component (GEC) . the Risk Assessment Component (RAC) . US Global Enrolment System (GES) and the ABTC web portal . Document Types: Forms, applications, program evaluation studies, Information Sharing Arrangements and ABTC Standard Operating Procedures (SOP). Record Number: CBSA ADM 100 Enhanced Drivers LicenceEnhanced Identification Card (EDLEIC) Program Description: Describes records related to the EDLEIC Program, which is a voluntary program available to eligible Canadians who reside in a province or territory where the Program is available. May include records identified in the electronic systems used to administer or manage the program including the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) EDLEIC database and the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) Lost Stolen Fraudulent Document Database (LSFD), which is a module of the Citizenship and Immigration Canadas (CIC) Field Operational Support System (FOSS). Document Types: Memoranda of Understanding and Service Level Agreements. Record Number: CBSA IST 004 Enhanced Drivers Licence (EDL) Enhanced Identification Card (EIC) Program Description: This bank describes information that is used in support of the EDLEIC Program. The EDLEIC Program is a voluntary program that is available to Canadian citizens. The EDLEIC Program is one of the Government of Canadas responses to the U. S. Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative. The Program is the responsibility of the participating provincesterritories. Participating provincesterritories determine the applicants eligibility and collect required information. The provincesterritories disclose specific personal information to the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA). The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) will store that information in its EDLEIC database to assist U. S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) in determining the admissibility of an EDL holder. As such, when a holder presents an EDLEIC at a U. S. border, CBP will request the information from the EDLEIC database held by the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA). CBP will use this information to verify the validity of the card, as well as the citizenship and identity of the holder. The personal information by participating provinces and territories may include: Full Name (first name, last name), Birth date, Gender, Citizenship, Digital image (holders photo), Tag Identification number (TID), Optical Character Recognition unique identifier (Encoded Document Number (EDN)-used in Machine Readable Zone (MRZ)), Radio Frequency Identification ((RFID), Tag value), Serial Number (if applicable), Document type (EDL or EIC). Class of Individuals: Canadian citizens that are or were Enhanced Driver LicenceEnhanced Identification Card holders. Purpose: The personal information is used to administer the EDLEIC information exchange between the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) and CBP. Personal Information is collected pursuant to section 5(1) of the Canada Border Services Agency Act . Consistent Uses: The information may be used or disclosed for the following purposes: administration, enforcement and evaluation of the EDLEIC Program for border crossing purposes. Information may be shared with: Federal Institution(s): Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC). The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) enters information related to loststolenfraudulent (LSF) EDLsEICs into the LSF module of CICs Field Operational Support System (FOSS), in order to report loststolenfraudulent Enhanced Drivers LicencesEnhanced Identification Cards. Government(s) of (a) foreign state(s) or of (an) institutions thereof: Full Name (first name, last name), Birth date, Gender, Citizenship, Digital image (holders photo), Tag Identification number (TID), Optical Character Recognition unique identifier (Encoded Document Number (EDN) - used in Machine Readable Zone (MRZ)), Radio Frequency Identification ((RFID) Tag value), Serial Number (if applicable), Document type (EDL or EIC), Issuance Date, Expiration Date, Licence Status and Status Changes (Card Status Reason Code), Licence Issuing Jurisdiction, Issuing Country may be shared with the U. S. Government (U. S. Customs Border Protection) when seeking entry into the United States. For the details on CBPs handling of the information collected upon entry into the U. S. refer to the Border Crossing Information System of Records Notice (BCI SORN) 73, Reg. 43,457. Province(s) or (an) institution(s) thereof: Personal information may be shared between the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) and the individual participating provincesterritories, which currently consist of British Columbia, Manitoba, Ontario and Quebec. The Optical Character Recognition unique identifier (also referred to as Encoded Document Number (EDN), EDL issuance date, Document type (EDL or EIC), Licence Issuing Jurisdiction (PT), Issuing Country as well as the reason code (Loststolen issued, loststolen blank card, cancelledrevoked, fraudulently issuedobtained, etc.) may be shared with provincesterritories where changes occur to the status of the EDL. In these instances, the provincesterritories are responsible to gather and send to the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) information on lost, stolen, or fraudulent (LSF) EDLs, EDLS where the holder has deceased, and EDLs that are no longer valid (i. e. cancelled). Retention and Disposal Standards: EDLsEICs are retained by the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) as long they are deemed to be active by the province or territory that issued them. When an EDLEIC is deemed to be inactive (expired, lost, stolen, surrendered, no longer valid, cancelled, fraudulently obtained, holder dec eased) by the province or territory that issued it, the province or territory notifies the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA). The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) retains EDLEIC records for two (2) years following the last administrative action (i. e. when the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) is advised that the card is no longer active for border-crossing purposes). The information is then destroyed according to the Government of Canadas secure disposal requirements. RDA Number: 2000-0333 Related Record Number: CBSA IST 004 TBS Registration: 20090946 Bank Number: CBSA PPU 061 Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC)s Secure Certificate of Indian Status (SCIS) Program Description: Describes records related to the SCIS which is issued by INAC to registered Status Indians that meet the requirements of the Indian Act . May include records related to the establishment of electronic systems used to administer or manage the program including the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative (WHTI) database and the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) Lost Stolen Fraudulent Document database, which is a module of the Citizenship and Immigration Canadas Field Operations Support System. Document Types: Project Charter, Project Plan, Gap Analysis, Business Plan, Business Case, Data Submission Guidelines, Business Use Case (Data Acquisition, Passage), Preliminary Privacy Impact Assessment, Memorandum of Understanding and Service Level Agreements. Record Number: CBSA IST 005 Secure Certificate of Indian Status (Border Crossing Format) Description: This bank describes information that is related to the Secure Certificate of Indian Status card (Border Crossing Format), which is a Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative compliant document. Information relates to registered Indians, born in Canada or the United States, and is provided to the Canada Border Services Agency by Indian and Northern Affairs Canada. The Canada Border Services Agency will store that information in its database to assist U. S. Customs and Border Protection in determining the admissibility of a Secure Certificate of Indian Status card holder. As such, when a holder presents a Secure Certificate of Indian Status card at a United States border, Customs and Border Protection will request the information from the database held by the Canada Border Services Agency. Customs and Border Protection will use this information to verify the validity of the card, as well as the place of birth and identity of the holder. The personal information may include the full name (first and last name), date of birth, gender, digital image (photograph of cardholder), place of birth, issuing country (Canada), issuing jurisdiction (Indian and Northern Affairs Canada), document issuance date, document renewal date, encoded document number, (Optical Character RecognitionMachine Readable Zone), document serial number, card status reason code. Note: Individuals who wish to access their personal information may forward their requests to Canada Border Services Agency or Indian and Northern Affairs Canada. Secure Certificate of Indian Status card holders seeking to review or check the accuracy of their information should initially submit their official request to Indian and Northern Affairs Canada as they have legislation or mechanisms in place to allow for this. Indian and Northern Affairs Canada will lead and coordinate the access to information and initiate any corrections. When required, the Canada Border Services Agency will work with Indian and Northern Affairs Canada to correct Secure Certificate of Indian Status information. Class of Individuals: First Nations Inuit Purpose: The personal information is used to administer the Canada Border Services Agency component of the Secure Certificate of Indian Status (SCIS) program. This information is provided to the Canada Border Services Agency in order that it may be transmitted to the United States Customs and Border Protection, to confirm the identity of the card holder, when a card holder seeks to enter the United States via a land or water port of entry. The authority to collect personal information is authorized by sections 5of the Canada Border Services Act. Consistent Use: The information may be used or disclosed for evaluation and reporting to senior management. Information may be shared with Citizenship and Immigration Canada. The Canada Border Services Agency entersreports information related to loststolenfraudulent Secure Certificate of Indian Status card into the LostStolenFraudulent module of Citizenship and Immigration Canada39s Field Operational Support System. The Optical Character Recognition unique identifier (also referred to as Encoded Document Number), issuance date, document type, issuing jurisdiction (Indian and Northern Affairs Canada), issuing country (Canada) as well as the reason code (Loststolen issued, loststolen blank card, cancelledrevoked, fraudulently issuedobtained, etc.) may be shared with Indian and Northern Affairs Canada where changes occur to the status of the Secure Certificate of Indian Status refer to Indian Register and Departmentally Administered Band List - INA PPU 110. The full name (first and last name), date of birth, gender, digital image (photograph of cardholder), place of birth, issuing country (Canada), issuing jurisdiction (Indian and Northern Affairs Canada), document renewal date, encoded document number (Optical Character RecognitionMachine Readable Zone) and the card status reason code may be shared with the United States Customs and Border Protection. For the details on the handling of the information collected upon entry into the United States, refer to the United States Customs and Border Protection39s Border Crossing Information System of Records Notice (BCI SORN) 73, Reg. 43,457. Retention and Disposal Standard: Records will be retained as long as the Secure Certificate of Indian Status card remains active. When Secure Certificates of Indian Status cards are deemed to be inactive (expired, lost, stolen, surrendered, no longer valid, cancelled, fraudulently obtained, card holder deceased), records will be retained for two years following the last administrative action, which is to say the last time Canada Border Services Agency receives a Card Status Reason Code update from Indian and Northern Affairs Canada and then destroyed according to the Government of Canada39s secure disposal requirements. Records Disposition Authority (RDA): 2000033 Related Class of Record Number: CBSA IST 005 TBS Registration: 20100115 Bank Number: CBSA PPU 1062 Transit Without Visa Project Description: Describes records related to Transit Without Visa Pilot Project. This pilot project allows foreign nationals of pre-approved countries who are in possession of a valid United States (US) visa and travelling on an authorized air carrier to transit through a participating Canadian airport to and from the US without having to obtain a Canadian transit visa. Document Types: Statistical Reports, Briefing Notes, Memoranda of Understanding, Standard Operating Procedures, as well as website and communications materials. Record Number: CBSA ADM 120 Transit without Visa (TWOV) and China Transit Trial (CTT) Description: This bank describes personal information collected in support of the Transit Without Visa (TWOV) Program and the China Transit Trial (CTT) which allows foreign nationals of pre-approved countries who are in possession of a valid United States (US) visa and travelling on an authorized air carrier to transit through a participating Canadian airport to and from the US without having to obtain a Canadian transit visa. The personal information collected includes surname, first name and initial or initials of any middle names, date of birth, citizenship or nationality, travel document used (e. g. passport), issuing country and document number, and U. S. Visa number. Class of Individuals: Foreign nationals from pre-approved countries transiting through a participating Canadian airport to and from the United States on an approved airline. Purpose: To monitor compliance of the TWOV Program and the CTT and to identify the number of passengers who travelled on approved airlines and who used the TWOV Program or CTT. The personal information will be collected directly from the affected individuals by asking them to voluntarily complete a Transit Without Visa card upon arrival. Consistent Uses: The information collected will be used internally for monitoring, evaluation and statistical purposes. This is consistent with section 7 of the Privacy Act. Information collected will be compiled, analyzed and summarized in statistical reports with the personal information removed. Statistical reports may be shared with Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) to monitor the effectiveness of the program. Retention and Disposal Standards: Completed Transit Without Visa Cards will be retained for two years from the date the cards were completed and then destroyed. Statistical Reports will be maintained in electronic format as long as required for evaluation and monitoring purposes and then destroyed. RDA Number: 2000033 Related Record Number: CBSA ADM 120 TBS Registration: 008395 Bank Number: CBSA PPU 011 Trusted Trader The Trusted Trader Program simplifies many of the border requirements for pre-approved, low-risk participants so that shipments can be processed more quickly and efficiently at the border. Importers approved under the Customs Self Assessment (CSA) benefit from a streamlined accounting and payment process as well as an expedited clearance option for qualified goods. Members of the Partners in Protection (PIP) program benefit from enhanced supply chain security as well as lowered examination rates. In addition, members of these Trusted Trader programs have the option of utilizing the Free and Secure Trade (FAST) lanes to transport eligible imported goods into Canada. FAST is a joint initiative between the CBSA and U. S. Customs and Border Protection. To become a member of the Trusted Trader programs, applicants must undergo an in-depth risk assessment. Once granted membership, CSA importers can use their own business systems and processes to forward trade data to the CBSA and remit payment of duties and taxes through their own financial institutions. In addition, CSA importers can also apply for trade compliance benefits which allow approved importers the flexibility to completely self-assess and audit their revenue reporting and trade requirements. Description: Describes records related to eManifest. May include records related to the establishment or use of electronic systems used to administer or manage the program including the eManifest Portal, Data Warehouse and Passage components. Further, the Accelerated Commercial Release Operations Support System (ACROSS), Business Number (BN), Canadian Police Information Centre (CPIC), Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) Assessment and Revenue Management (CARM), Commodity Search Component (CSC), Customs Commercial System (CCS), Customs Electronic Commerce Platform (CECP), Customs Investigations Information Management Systems (CIIMS), Citizenship and Immigration Canadas Field Operations Support System (FOSS), Facility for Information Retrieval Management (FIRM), Integrated Customs Enforcement System (ICES), Integrated Customs System (ICS), Integrated Primary Inspection Line (IPIL), Intelligence Management System (IMS), Police Information Retrieval System (PIRS), Tactical Information Targeting Analysis and Notification System, (TITAN), and the Traveller Entry Processing System (TEPS). Document Types: Customs Act, Regulations, Customs Notices, Departmental Memoranda, Threat and Risk Assessment, Statement of Sensitivity, Preliminary Privacy Impact Assessment, Privacy Impact Assessment and Memoranda of Understanding. Record Number: CBSA IST 002 Partners in Compliance (PIC) Initiative Description: Describes records relating to the PIC Program. May include records related to the establishment or use of electronic systems used to administer and manage the program including the Accelerated Commercial Release Operations Support System (ACROSS), the Customs Commercial System, (CCS), the Customs Management Recording System, (CMRS), the Facility Information Retrieval Management, (FIRM) and the Technical Reference System (TRS). Document Types: Business Cases, Charters, Client Contact Information database, Communication Strategy, Handbooks, Pilot Expansion Project Plans, Pilot Initiative Communication Strategy, Process Flow Chart, Process Flow Database, Proposal outlining the need and objectives of the PIC Pilot Expansion Project Charter, Results Based Management and Accountability Framework, Partners In Compliance Pilot Initiative, Results Based Management and Accountability Framework, Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for Senior Program Officers, Verification Database and Memoranda of Understanding with our PIC clients. Record Number: CBSA IST 003 Commercial Driver Registration Program (CDRP) Description: Describes records relating to the Commercial Driver Registration Program (CDRP) including clearance records to low-risk goods and pre-approved importers, carriers and commercial drivers. May include records related to the establishment or use of electronic systems used to administer or manage the program including the Accelerated Commercial Release Operations Support System (ACROSS), the Customs Processing Centre System (CPCS), the Integrated Customs System (ICS), the Integrated Customs Enforcement System (ICES), Citizenship and Immigration Canadas Field Operations Support System (FOSS), the Royal Canadian Mounted Polices Canadian Police Information Centre (CPIC) and Police Information Retrieval System (PIRS), and the U. S. Federal Bureau of Investigations National Crime Information Center (NCIC). Document Types: Forms, website, program evaluation studies, member surveys, compliance reviews and Information Sharing Agreements Record Number: CBSA ADM 111 Free and Secure Trade (FAST) Program Description: Describes records related to the Free and Secure Trade (FAST) Program including pre-approvals for low-risk commercial drivers, carriers and importers with expedited customs clearance of pre-approved eligible goods imported into Canada or the United States at designated major border crossings. May also include records related to the establishment or use of electronic systems used to administer or manage the program including the U. S. Customs and Border Protections Global Online Enrollment System (GOES), the Integrated Customs System (ICS), the Integrated Customs Enforcement System (ICES), Citizenship and Immigration Canadas Field Operations Support System (FOSS), the Royal Canadian Mounted Polices Canadian Police Information Centre (CPIC) and Police Information Retrieval System (PIRS), the U. S. Federal Bureau of Investigations National Crime Information Center (NCIC) and the Accelerated Commercial Release Operations Support System (ACROSS). Document Types: Forms, website, program evaluation studies, member surveys, and compliance reviews Record Number: CBSA ADM 116 Admissibility Determination Through the Admissibility Determination program, the CBSA develops, maintains and administers the policies, regulations, procedures and partnerships that enable border services officers to intercept people and goods that are inadmissible to Canada and to process legitimate people and goods seeking entry into Canada within established service standards. In addition, the Agency develops, maintains and administers the policies, regulations, procedures and partnerships to control the export of goods from Canada. In the traveller stream, border services officers question people upon arrival to determine if they and their personal goods meet the requirements of applicable legislation and regulations to enter Canada. Border services officers will then make a decision to grant entry or refer a person for further processing (e. g. payment of duties and taxes, issuance of a document), andor for a physical examination. In the commercial stream, carriers and importers are required to provide information to the CBSA at or prior to arrival in Canada. Border services officers review the status of pre-arrival decisions andor the provided accompanying documentation to determine whether the goods meet the requirements of applicable legislation and regulations to enter Canada. Based on this determination, a border services officer may refer the goods for further processing, examination andor scientificengineering analysis. Upon further examination goods may be seized or penalties imposed. With some exceptions, stemming from the policies and legislative requirements of some of our partner departments and agencies, all goods being exported from Canada must be reported ldquoin writingrdquo to the CBSA. Carrier and Cargo Program Description: Describes records related to the Carrier and Cargo Program. This program monitors the importation and transport of imported goods, into and through Canada. Its policies impact the freight forwarders, importers and carriers, operating in the highway, air, rail and marine modes. May include records related to the establishment or use of electronic systems used to administer or manage the program including the Accelerated Commercial Release Operations Support System (ACROSS) and the Integrated Customs System (ICS). Document Types: Policy, Procedures, Customs Notices and Memos. Record Number: CBSA ADM 105 Carrier Code Program Description: Describes records related to the Carrier Code Program. This program enables commercial clients transacting business with the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) to obtain a client identifier - a carrier code. May include records related to the establishment or use of electronic systems used to administer or manage the program including the Customs Commercial System (CCS) and Accelerated Commercial Release Operations Support System (ACROSS) and Integrated Customs System (ICS) and Customs Management Reporting System (CMRS). Document Types: Commercial carrier applications, client questionnaires, debt requests, various correspondence (approvalsrejectsrequest for more information etc) and Memoranda of Understanding Record Number: CBSA ADM 106 Carrier and Cargo Program Description: This bank describes information that is used in support of a carriers application for a carrier code in order to transport commercial goods into Canada by air, highway, sea, or rail. The personal information may include name, contact information, financial information related to security bonds, carrier code, other identification numbers, and signature. Personal information may also include, in the case of sole proprietorship commercial carriers: passport, driver39s license and birth certificate information. Note: In addition to the requirements specified on the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Personal Information Request Form, individuals requesting information described by this bank must provide legal business name, client ownership type, security information, brief description of intended operation, vehicle equipment listing. Information may be stored in the following internal systemsdatabases: Accelerated Customs Release Operating Support SystemIntegrated Customs System Customs Commercial System Customs Machine Release System Internal CCP database Class of Individuals: General Public, commercial carriers and their representatives including customs brokers and witness for principal, notary public, commissioner of oath or lawyer Purpose: The personal information is used to administer and determine eligibility to the Carrier and Cargo Program, disburse funds held in security bonds once a carrier ceases operations, establish an inventory of all carrier clients and security held by the Carrier and Cargo Program. The authority to collect personal information is authorized by Section 12(2) of the Customs Act and the Reporting of Imported Goods Regulations Section 4 and prescribed forms. Consistent Use: The information may be used or disclosed for the following purposes: enforcement, reporting to senior management, safety, security and evaluation. Client and security information may be shared within Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) with the Comptrollership Branch to report fiscal year deposits and withdrawals. Information may be shared within Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) for Enforcement. Refer to Customs Seizure Records, CBSA PPU 015. Information is used or disclosed for mailing list purposes information is included with regular mailing programs. Retention and Disposal Standard: Record will be retained for 2 years after the applicant cancels participation in the program for Bonded Carriers while records will be retained for 15 years after the applicant cancels participation in the program for Non-Bonded Carriers. Hardcopy records are then destroyed. Electronic records are kept indefinitely to maintain a history of the carrier code. Records Disposition Authority (RDA): 2000033. Related Class of Record Number: CBSA ADM 105, CBSA ADM 106 TBS Registration: 20100121 Bank Number: CBSA PPU 045 Special Services Program Description: Describes records related to the Special Services Program. May include records related to the use of electronic systems used to administer or manage the program including the Temporary Accounts Receivable System (TARS), Systems Applications and Products (SAP) in data processing Revenue Ledger, Consolidated Management Reporting System (CMRS) and the Corporate Accounting System (CAS). Document Types: Forms, Memos, performance measurement data, service logs, invoices and revenue collection documentation. Record Number: CBSA ADM 134 Overt Audio-Video Surveillance Record Number: CBSA BPD 1101 Overt Audio Video Surveillance Related Class of Record Number: CBSA BPD 1101 Bank Number: CBSA PPU 1104 Customs Controlled Areas (CCA) Description: Describes records related to the Customs Controlled Areas (CCA) program which develops and maintains enforcement guidelines and procedures. May include records related to the use of electronic systems used to administer or manage the program including the Integrated Customs Enforcement System (ICES), National Case Management System (NCMS), and Citizenship and Immigration Canadas Field Operations Support System (FOSS). Key program stakeholders include: Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) provincial, municipal and local police authorities, and the Department of Justice (DOJ). Document Types: Reports, procedures, training materials, analysis and planning documents, statistics. Record Number: CBSA BPD 1102 Customs Controlled Areas (CCA) Description: This bank describes information that is related to enforcement activities performed pursuant to the Customs Controlled Areas legislation and regulations. The personal information may include name, contact information, citizenship status, date of birth, employee identification number, other identification numbers, physical attributes and signature. Class of Individuals: General public, domestic workers in an international airport, agency, casual, student, term domestic workers working at an international airport, persons acting on behalf of an individual, power of attorney, persons prescribed by Customs Controlled Areas regulations. Purpose: The personal information is used to administer the Customs Controlled Areas activities. Personal information is collected pursuant to Sections 11.2, 11.5, 99.2 and 99.4 of the Customs Act and Customs Controlled Areas regulations. Consistent Use: The information may be used or disclosed for the following purposes: enforcement, reporting to senior management, safety and security. Personal information may be shared with Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) PIB RCMP PPU 005, Health Canada PIB HC PPU 088, Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) PIB CFIA PPU 096, Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada (FINTRAC) PIB FINTRAC PPU 020, Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) PIB CIC PPU 050, National Resources Canada, Canadian Firearms Centre, Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES), Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada (DFAIT) and Industry Canada. Customs information may be shared with foreign customs agencies under Customs Mutual Assistance Agreements, Mutual Legal Assistance Treaties, MOUs or other agreements and arrangements. Personal information may be shared with international institutions like Interpol. Personal information may be shared with Provincial law enforcement authorities and Liquor Control Boards. Personal information may be shared with Municipal law enforcement authorities. Personal information may be shared with Department of Justice. Personal information may be shared with intelligence, investigations, recourse to enforce CBSA mandate. Information is used or disclosed for law enforcement purposes. PIA: A PPIA and PIA have been developed prior to the development of the PIB. PPIA completed and submitted to OPC in 2010. PIA submitted to OPC in 2011. Retention and Disposal Standard: Records will be retained for a maximum of 10 years after and then are destroyed. Records Disposition Authority (RDA): 2000033 Related Class of Record Number: CBSA BPD 1102 TBS Registration: 20110676 Bank Number: CBSA PPU 1106 Casual Refund Program Description: Describes records related to the Casual Refund Program. May include records related to the establishment or use of electronic systems used to administer or manage the program including the Casual Refund System (CRS), Standard Payment System (SPS) and Casual Refund Electronic Data Interchange Transaction System (CREDITS). Document Types: Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) Informal Adjustment Request, Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) Postal Import Form, Agreement to Electronically Process Casual Refunds Claims, Memos, CREDITS system documentation, CRS and SPS system descriptions and user manuals, provincial tax reports and statistical reports. Record Number: CBSA ADM 124 Casual Refund Program Description: This bank describes information that is used in support of the Casual Refund Program. The personal information may include name, contact information, citizenship status, credit information, other identification numbers, signature and customs import receipt number. Note: In addition to the requirements specified on the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Personal Information Request form, individuals requesting information described by this bank must provide the Informal Adjustment Request Number. Class of Individuals: General Public. (Canadian andor Foreign Casual Importers) Purpose: The personal information is used to administer the Casual Refund Program with the purpose of determining eligibility for refunds of duties and taxes and to facilitate refund payments to Canadian andor Foreign casual importer. Personal information is collected pursuant to Sections 59(1)(a)(ii) . 74 and 76 of the Customs Act . Consistent Uses: The information may be used or disclosed internally for the following purposes: Evaluation. The information may be disclosed externally to Public Works amp Government Services Canada (PWGSC) - Receiver General Deposits PWGSC PCU 717 amp Receiver General Payments PWGSC PCU 712 and Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) - Detection and Investigations CRA PPU 095 for the purposes of issuing refunds andor to collect outstanding monies owed. Retention and Disposal Standards: Records will be retained for 7 years from the date of the last administrative action and then are destroyed. RDA Number: 2000033 Related Record Number: CBSA ADM 124 TBS Registration: 20120443 Bank Number: CBSA PPU 1201 Air Examination Program Record Number: CBSA ENF 121 Marine Container Examination Program Record Number: CBSA ENF 132 Rail Contraband Examination Program Record Number: CBSA ENF 134 Traveller Processing Record Number: CBSA ENF 129 Traveller Processing Related Record Number: CBSA ENF 129 Bank Number: CBSA PPU 1101 Customs Seizure Records Related Record Number: CBSA ENF 121, CBSA ENF 129, CBSA ENF 132, CBSA ENF 134 Bank Number: CBSA PPU 015 Account Security Program Description: Describes records relating to the Account Security Program. May include records related to the establishment or use of electronic systems used to administer or manage the program including the Customs Commercial System (CCS), Facility Information Retrieval Management System (FIRM), Customs Automated Data Exchange System (CADEX) and Electronic Data Indicator System (EDI). Document Types: Forms Surety documentation, Riders, Endorsements, Direct Security and GST Option letters Record Number: CBSA ADM 121 Post-Release Verification Program Description: Describes records related to the Post-Release Verification Program focusing on tariff classification, origin and valuation. May include records related to the use of electronic systems used to administer or manage the program, including the Compliance Management System (CMS), the Canada Border Services Agencyrsquos (CBSA) NAFTA log, the Customs Commercial System (CCS), the Consolidated Management Reporting System (CMRS), the Facility Information Retrieval Management System (FIRM), and the Accelerated Commercial Release Operations Support System (ACROSS). Document Types: Trade Verification Manual, Briefing Notes, Compliance Management System, as well as Books and Records, National Training Plan for Trade Services, Memos, Guidelines, Verifications Checklists, letters, Verification reports, and the Introduction to Trade Service Course. Record Number: CBSA ADM 125 Entry, Accounting and Adjustment Program Description: Describes records related to the Entry, Accounting and Adjustment Program. May include records related to the establishment or use of electronic systems used to administer and manage the program including CCS, the Refund Cheque Issue System (RCIS), G11 System, Facility for Information Retrieval Management (FIRM), the Standardized Payments System (SPS), the Accelerated Commercial Release Operations Support System (ACROSS), and the Temporary Accounts Receivable System (TARS). Document Types: Forms, Briefings Notes, Memoranda of Understanding, system test packages, client files, and Memos. Record Number: CBSA ADM 127 Brokers Licensing Program Description: Describes records relating to the Brokers Licensing Program, which may include records of licensed customs brokers. Document Types: Forms, Licensing Advisory Committee Non-Disclosure Agreement, Customs brokers financial statements, Surety documentation, and a list of candidates who have successfully completed the quotQualifyingquot or quotProfessionalquot customs brokers examination. Record Number: CBSA ADM 123 Customs Brokers - Professional and Qualified Status Description: This bank describes individual candidates who have successfully completed the quotQualifyingquot or quotProfessionalquot customs brokers examination. Class of Individuals: Individual candidates who have successfully completed the quotQualifyingquot or quotProfessionalquot customs brokers examination. The database is maintained on the computers in the Broker Licensing and Account Security Section. Purpose: The purpose of this bank is to maintain a record of all persons who have successfully completed one or both of the customs brokers examinations and to record the customs brokerage firm under whose license authority they transact business. As some individuals may lose their status by being absent from the brokerage industry for a period of time in excess of one year, the database allows the determination of candidates who have quotlostquot their status and would be required to re-qualify in order to assume certain positions with licensed customs Brokerage firms. Individuals who have been appointed to quotqualified positionsquot with licensed Brokerage firms would also be recorded on the individuals brokerage firms files. It should be noted that the Qualified Person requirements is no longer in effect and that no further records will be maintained for the Qualified Person. The Qualified Officer requirement remains and records will continue to be maintained for these individuals. The information on the database is mostly available on brokers files (7637-2Name of Broker). Consistent Uses: None. Retention and Disposal Standards: Files are retained for seven years, and then destroyed. RDA Number: 2000033 Related Record Number: CBSA ADM 123 TBS Registration: 000009 Bank Number: CBSA PPU 006 Export Program Description: Describes records related to exportation of goods into Canada including statistics and control. May include records related to the establishment or use of electronic systems used to administer or manage the Export Program including the Accelerated Commercial Release Operation Support System (ACROSS). Document Types: Memos, Forms, Guides and Brochures, Information Sessions and Seminars documentation, Memoranda of Understanding, Information Sharing Agreements and Written Collaborative Agreements. Record Number: CBSA ADM 129 Export Program Description: This bank describes information related to the exportation of goods from Canada. The personal information may include business identification number. Class of Individuals: General public, business proprietors. Purpose: The personal information is used to administer the Canada Border Services Agency Export Program. Personal information is collected pursuant to the Customs Act - Section 95. Consistent Uses: The information may be used or disclosed for the following purposes: Enforcement, Safety, Security and Statistics and may be shared with Statistics Canada, Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada (DFAIT), Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA). The Business Identification Number may be shared internally with the Operations Branch (Border Services Officers, Intelligence, Counter Proliferation) in order to provide risk assessment checks issue Administrative Monetary Penalties (AMPs) 8211 PIB CBSA PPU 001 . Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA): The development of a PIA is in progress. The Export Program is a portion of the eManifest PIA with an expected completion date of mid 2012. Retention and Disposal Standards: Records will be retained for six years after the application was received and then are destroyed. Re-assessment will occur every five years at which time participants will be required to submit a new application form. RDA Number: 2000033 Related Record Number: CBSA ADM 129 TBS Registration: 20110289 Bank Number: CBSA PPU 1103 Detection Technology Program Description: Describes records related to the Detection Technology Program. May include records related to the establishment or use of electronic systems used to administer and manage the program including the Detection Technology Inventory Control System. Document Types: Memoranda of Understanding, Service Level Agreements, test packages, repairs logs and briefing notes Record Number: CBSA ENF 125 Prohibited Importations Description: Describes records related to the Prohibited Importations Unit (PIU). May include records related to the establishment or use of electronic systems used to administer or manage the program including the Technical Reference System (TRS) within the Customs Commercial System (CCS). Document Types: Tariff items, Technical Reference System (TRS) within the Customs Commercial System (CCS), Continuation Sheets, Memos, Canada Border Services Agencys Policy on the Classification of Obscene Material Canada Border Services Agencys Policy on the Classification of Hate Propaganda, Sedition and Treason Canada Border Services Agencys Policy on the Determination of Obscenity and Hate Propaganda. Record Number: CBSA ADM 133 Integrated Border Enforcement Teams (IBETS) Initiative Description: Describes records relating to the Integrated Border Enforcement Teams Initiative. May include records related to the establishment or use of electronic systems used to administer or manage the program including all corporate filing and email systems. No systems are used to administer or manage the IBET program outside of corporate filing systems. Document Types: Border Threat Assessments, Memoranda of Understanding, Information Sharing Agreements, Briefing Notes, IBET Charter and Standard Operating Procedures. Record Number: CBSA ENF 110 Border Wait Times (BWT) Description: Describes records related to the Border Wait Time (BWT) initiative. May include Operational MonitoringReporting and Border Wait Time (BWT) records. Document Types: Operational briefings including land and air port of entry wait times, reports, and briefing notes. Record Number: CBSA OPS 102 Removals Program Description: Includes records related to the Removals Program which enables the CBSA to remove from Canada individuals who have contravened the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA) and who are subject of an enforceable removal order. May include records related to the establishment or use of electronic systems used to administer or manage the program including the Citizenship and Immigration Canadarsquos Field Operations Support System (FOSS) and the National Case Management System (NCMS) and the Canadian Police Information Center (CPIC). Document Types: Certificate of Departure, Notice of Removal and profile, original or copy of passport or travel document, Notice of Liability, Airline ticket (photocopy) and itinerary, Reporting Instructions, Memoranda of Understanding (MOU). Record Number: CBSA ENF 135 Removals Program Description: This bank describes information that is used in support of the Removals Program which enables the CBSA to remove - from Canada - individuals who have contravened the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA) and who are subject to an enforceable removal order. The personal information may include name, contact information, biographical information, biometric information, citizenship status, criminal checkshistory, date of birth, employee personnel information, financial information, medical information, other identification numbers, physical attributes, place of birth, signature and travel documentation. Note: In addition to the requirements specified on the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Personal Information Request form, individuals requesting information described by this bank must provide the their date of birth, approximate date and port of entry into Canada and the Field Operations Support System (FOSS) ID number. Information may be stored in the following internal systemsdatabases: Field Operations Support System (FOSS) and National Case Management System (NCMS). Class of Individuals: Persons found inadmissible to Canada and subject to a removal order. Purpose: The personal information is used to administer the Removal Program and to facilitate the enforcement of removal orders. Personal information is collected pursuant to Sections 48(2) and 16(3) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA) . Consistent Uses: The information may be used or disclosed in the administration and enforcement of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA). The information may be disclosed to the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) for the purpose of conducting security reviews for the enforcement of immigration legislation. Uses also include the sharing of information with Public Safety Canada, Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), the Department of Justice (DOJ), Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) to facilitate removals from Canada. Information may also be disclosed to various foreign governments, law enforcement bodies and detaining authorities for the purposes of the administration and enforcement of immigration legislation. Personal information relating to removal orders (departure orders, deportation orders and exclusion orders) issued by CBSA Enforcement officers, and their execution, may be disclosed by media relations officers when it has been determined that the disclosure is necessary for the administration and enforcement of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA) and the detection, suppression and prevention of immigration offences. Information may be disclosed to medical practitioners for the purpose of providing medical opinions on medical requirements for removal. Some information may also be disclosed to transportation companies within the terms of their responsibilities under immigration legislation. Other uses may include the sharing of information with the insurance and employment programs of Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC), the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB), Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada (DFAIT), Health Canada, for assessment, provision of settlement assistance, administration of provincial programs and for research purposes. Information may also be shared with Statistics Canada and Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada (DFAIT) for statistical and planning purposes refer to Canadian Security Intelligence Service Investigational Records CSIS PPU 045, Operations Records RCMP OPS 002, National Security Records PS PPU 026, Civil Proceedings and Legal Services JUS PPU 010, Immigration Case File CIC PPU 042, Insurance Claim File HRSDC PPU 150, Immigration Division Case Files, IRB PPU 140, Consular Affairs ndash Citizenship DFAIT PPU 005. Retention and Disposal Standards: Under Development RDA Number: Under Development Related Record Number: CBSA ENF 135 Bank Number: CBSA PPU 1301 Environment and Trade Program Description: Describes records relating to the Environment and Trade Program. May include records related to the establishment or use of electronic systems used to administer or manage the program including the Accelerated Commercial Release Operations Support System (ACROSS), Customs Commercial System (CCS) and Facility for Information Retrieval Management (FIRM). Document Types: Memoranda of Understanding, Standard Operating Procedures, requests for trade data reports, policy, guidance materials and Memos. Record Number: CBSA ADM 128 CBSA ProgramsOperations Systems Development Record Number: CBSA ENF 137 Integrated Customs Enforcement System (I. C.E. S.) Related Record Number: CBSA ENF 137 Bank Number: CBSA PPU 016 Intelligence Program Related Record Number: CBSA ENF 137, CBSA ENF 1401 Bank Number: CBSA PPU 035 Enforcement Data System Description: This bank describes information from the enforcement records of persons who have come under examination at a port of entry or an investigation at an inland office. Personal information may include name, address, birth date, country of birth, enforcement action undertaken (i. e. inadmissibility reports, arrest reports, hearing or removal under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA) ), fingerprints, digital photographs, personal histories of refugee claimants, immigration applications and the date and place of each event in the process. Note: In addition to the requirements specified on the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Personal Information Request form, individuals requesting information described by this bank must provide their name, date of birth, approximate date of entry to Canada and port of entry. The Enforcement Data System is a subsystem (batch system) of the Field Operations Support System (FOSS) . The deportation order is available on persons subject to the removal process from January 1, 1973. Some of the information may be duplicated in the Immigrant Case File - CIC PPU 042 and the Permanent Resident Data System - CIC PPU 053 . Class of Individuals: Persons who have been subject to the enforcement provisions of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA) and its associated Regulations. Purpose: The purpose of this bank is to help determine the admissibility of persons to Canada or the right of persons to remain in Canada, and to produce statistical reports in support of the Canada Border Service Agencys (CBSA) enforcement function. Consistent Uses: The information may be shared internally for the purposes of enforcement, reporting to senior management, audit and evaluation and safety and security purposes. The information may be shared externally with Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) for the administration andor enforcement of IRPA andor the Citizenship Act refer to: Immigration Case File CIC PPU 042 . with Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) for the purposes of administering the Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP) refer to Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP) HRSDC PPU 440 . with the Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB) for the purposes of administering their programs, administration and enforcement of immigration legislation including appeals - under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA) refer to: Immigration Division Case Files IRB PPU 140 and Immigration Appeal Division (IAD) Records IRB PPU 110 . with Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) and with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) for the purposes of conducting security reviews andor investigations related to immigration legislation refer to: Security AssessmentsAdvice SIS PPU 005 and Operational Case Records RCMP PPU 005 . with the Department of Justice (DOJ) for the purposes of law enforcement refer to: Civil Proceedings and Legal Services JUS PPU 110 . The information may also be shared with foreign governments under the terms of agreementsarrangements and the purposes of lawful investigations andor the enforcement of any law. Retention and Disposal Standards: Under Development RDA Number: Under Development Related Record Number: CBSA ENF 137 TBS Registration: 005218 Bank Number: CBSA PPU 032 Enforcement Information Index System (EIIS) Description . This bank describes summary information gathered by Canadian or foreign law enforcement agencies or investigative bodies on persons whose entry and re-entry to Canada would be dangerous to Canadian security. This is part of Field Operations Support System (FOSS), a Citizenship and Immigration Canada owned system. Class of Individuals . Persons seeking admission to Canada, and some permanent residents of Canada. Purpose: This bank is used for identifying the above individuals and subjecting them to a more detailed immigration examination. Information is used to enforce the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and may be used for internal audit purposes. Consistent Uses: Information contained in the EIIS entry in FOSS may be shared because it belongs to the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA). Information may be shared with Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada (DFAIT), the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB), the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) and the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) (SIS PPU 005 SRS PPU 005) to facilitate the examination and to conduct criminal and security investigations related to immigrationcitizenship legislation. It may be shared with foreign governments pursuant to an agreement or arrangement in order to conduct a lawful investigation or administer or enforce any law. It may be provided to private sector research firms for the purposes of planning, statistics, research and evaluation. Retention and Disposal Standards: Automated information is retained for 50 years. Band microfilmed information is retained for 15 years and then destroyed. RDA Number: 88012 Related Record Number: CBSA ENF 137 TBS Registration: 002370 Bank Number: CBSA PPU 025 Advance Passenger InformationPassenger Name Record (APIPNR) Program Description: Describes records related to the APIPNR Program. May include records related to the establishment or use of electronic systems used to administer or manage the program including the Passenger Information System (PAXIS), the Integrated Customs Enforcement System (ICES) and Citizenship and Immigration Canadas Field Operations Support System (FOSS). Document Types: Travellers APIPNR Information Request Form, Memos, PAXIS system description and test packages, evaluation reports, passenger profile documentation, documentation from commercial carriers, compliance reviews and investigations and Memoranda of Understanding. Record Number: CBSA IST 001 Advance Passenger Information Passenger Name Record Program (APIPNR) Description: This bank describes information about individuals seeking to enter Canada. Under Canadian law, all commercial carriers are required to provide Advance Passenger Information Passenger Name Record (APIPNR) data relating to all individuals on board commercial conveyance bound for Canada. In the case of the Advance Passenger Information (API) personal information includes: name, date of birth, gender, citizenship or nationality and travel document information, reservation record locator number. With respect to the Passenger Name Record (PNR), personal information may include: name, travellers reservation and travel itinerary, which could include point of origin and destination, dates and times of travel, address where the passenger will be residing while in Canada. Class of Individuals: General Public - including employees of the airline carriers - who are travelling on a commercial conveyance destined for Canada. Purpose: The personal information is collected pursuant to section 107.1 of the Customs Act . the Passenger Information (Customs) Regulations . paragraph 148(1)(d) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA) and Regulation 269 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations for the purposes of administering the Advance Passenger Information Passenger Name Record (APIPNR) Program, which involves performing a risk assessment including a scenario based risk analysis and query for enforcement and intelligence information for individuals prior to their arrival in Canada. The Protection of Passenger Information Regulations govern the processing of APIPNR data, including access, usage and disclosure. Consistent Uses: The information may be disclosed internally for the purposes of audit, evaluation, andor research. The information may be disclosed to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) and the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) for the purposes of law investigationsenforcement. Refer to: Criminal Operation Intelligence Records RCMP PPU 015 National Security Investigations Records RCMP PPU 025 and Investigational Records CSIS PPU 045 . Passenger Information collected for Canada Border Services Agencys (CBSA) APIPNR program may be shared with the U. S. Department of Homeland Security on a case-by-case basis, pursuant to a Memorandum of Understanding with the purpose of facilitating the examination of high-risk individuals arriving by air in Canada or the U. S. Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA): A PIA was completed in 2003-2004. Retention and Disposal Standards: Records will be retained for 3.5 years from date of receipt and then the records are destroyed. Where the API and PNR information relates to a person who is the subject of an investigation in Canada the APIPNR information will be transferred to an enforcement database of the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) and be retained in that system for a period of no more than 6 years and destroyed after 6 years. RDA Number: 90002 Related Record Number: CBSA IST 001 TBS Registration: 005388 Bank Number: CBSA PPU 008 Highway Mode The Highway Program identifies and intercepts people and goods that are inadmissible to Canada seeking entry at 120 designated land ports of entry while ensuring that legitimate people and goods are processed within established service standards. Border services officers conduct interviews of persons and drivers of commercial carriers and then make a decision to allow the entry of a person or shipment or refer them for further processing (e. g. payment of duties and taxes, issuance of a document) andor examination (e. g. physical search of a vehicle, further investigation of admissibility). In the commercial stream, importers are required to account for their goods, and carriers and exporters are required to report their goods. Examinations may be performed with the use of specialized tools (e. g. gamma ray imaging Vehicle and Cargo Inspection System, ion scanners and detector dogs) and may include a full or partial offload of the goods to detect the presence of prohibited or restricted goods (e. g. narcotics or weapons). People andor goods found to be in violation of the applicable legislation andor regulations may be subject to a monetary penalty, seizure or denied entry to Canada. Single Window Initiative Description: Describes records related to the Single Window Initiative (SWI). This initiative will streamline the electronic collection, use and dissemination of commercial trade data required to support the mandates of other government departments (OGDs) on whose behalf the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) performs functions at the border, which relate to trade. Document Types: Single Window Project Charter, Single Window Framework Document, Administration Documents. Record Number: CBSA ADM 118 Sufferance Warehouse Program Description: Describes records (e. g. licensee information) related to the Sufferance Warehouse Program. May include records related to the establishment or use of the Release Notification System (RNS), an electronic system used to report and query the status of shipments. Document Types: Policy Memos, Application Forms, documents relating to the physical structure of the warehouses, financial bonds, licences and audits. Record Number: CBSA ADM 119 The Air Program identifies and intercepts people and goods that are inadmissible to Canada seeking entry at designated airports while ensuring that legitimate people and goods are processed within established service standards. Upon arrival, border services officers conduct interviews of persons seeking entry into Canada, aided by electronic pre-arrival risk-assessment information submitted by the airlines. CBSA officers make a decision to admit the person or refer them for further processing (e. g. payment of duties and taxes, issuance of a document) or examination. For private and corporate aircraft and general aviation traffic reporting through the Telephone Reporting Centre, various checks are conducted by means of the telephone reporting system. Border services officers make a decision to admit people or refer them for further processing or examination. In the commercial stream, importers are required to account for their goods, and carriers and exporters are required to report their goods. More specifically, air carriers are required to submit electronic pre-arrival information related to their goods for import. Those goods meeting the requirements of border-related legislation are released at the airport or at a designated sufferance warehouse, while those goods identified as potentially being inadmissible are held for an examination. To assist border services officers in their examinations, detection tools such as detector dogs and ION scanners may be utilized. People and goods found to be in violation of the applicable legislation andor regulations may be subject to a monetary penalty, seizure or denied entry to Canada. Temporary Resident Biometrics Project (TRBP) Description: Describes records related to applications made by clients at overseas offices and Canadian ports of entry (POE). The record will contain biographical data and a facial photograph of the applicant. The introduction of biometrics in the temporary resident stream screening process will enhance the admissibility screening of applicants, fix a clients identity at the time of application and allow the verification of that identity when this individual seeks entry at the border. The lead department on the project is Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC). May include records related to the establishment or use of electronic systems used to administer or manage the program including the Integrated Primary Inspection Line (IPIL), Integrated Customs Enforcement System (ICES), Secure Tracking System (STS), Screening Referral Request (SSR), CICs Field Operations Support Systems (FOSS), andor Global Case Management System (GCMS). Key programs stakeholders include: Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) Document Types: To date, only project documentation has been prepared, i. e. Project Charter, Business Case and Treasury Board Submission. Record Number: CBSA IST 006 Five Country Conference (FCC) Biometric Matching and Information Sharing Initiative Description: Describes records related to the Five Country Conference (FCC) Biometric Matching and Information Sharing Initiative. May include records related to the establishment or use of electronic systems used to administer and manage the program including the Field Operation Support System (FOSS), the Global Case Management System (GCMS) and the National Case Management System (NCMS). Document Types: FCC Protocol Search Code Guide, FCC High Value Data Sharing Protocol, Threat Risk Assessment, Secure File Share Server Agreement for FCC Biometric Data Sharing, FCC Request for Information Form, Privacy Impact Assessments, FCC Tracking Log, Statements of Mutual Understanding, and Memoranda of Understanding. Record Number: CBSA ENF 127 Air Cargo Security Initiative Record Number: CBSA ENF 100 CBSA ProgramsOperations Systems Development Record Number: CBSA ENF 137 Primary Automated Lookout System - Airport Related Record Number: CBSA ENF 137 Bank Number: CBSA PPU 117 The Rail Program identifies and intercepts people and goods that are inadmissible to Canada seeking entry at a rail port of entry or rail yard while ensuring that legitimate people and goods are processed within established service standards. Rail operators are required to report train, passengers andor cargo information to the CBSA at or prior to arrival to Canada. Border services officers may conduct onboard interviews of travellers seeking entry into Canada upon arrival at the border to determine their admissibility or whether further processing (e. g. payment of duties and taxes, issuance of a document) or examination (e. g. physical search of baggage, further investigation of admissibility) is required. In the commercial stream, border services officers review the electronic information submitted by the rail carrier and the importerexporter, and make a decision to release the cargo or refer it for an examination at the rail yard. WINFALL Program Description: Describes records related to the Winfall Program. May include records related to the establishment or use of electronic systems used to administer or manage the program including the Accelerated Commercial Release Operations Support System (ACROSS), the Customs Commercial System (CCS), the Facility Information Retrieval Management System (FIRM), the Integrated Customs Enforcement System (ICES), and Citizenship and Immigration Canadas Field Operations Support System (FOSS). Document Types: Forms, Memos, Customs Enforcement Manual, Rail Examination Policy and Procedures. Record Number: CBSA ENF 120 Marine Mode The Marine Program identifies and intercepts people and goods that are inadmissible to Canada seeking entry at a marine port of entry, while ensuring that legitimate people and goods are processed within established service standards. Prior to arrival in the traveller stream, border services officers receive information regarding the passengers and crew aboard cruise ships, ferries, tour boats, private small vessels in the Trusted Traveller Program and commercial vessels. At large Cruise Ship offices and certain ferry terminals, passengers are processed using IPIL (Integrated Primary Inspection Line). For those private vessels reporting through the Telephone Reporting Centre, various checks are conducted by means of the telephone reporting system. Border services officers make a decision to admit people or refer them for further processing or examination. In the commercial stream, importers are required to account for their goods. Carriers and exporters are required to report their goods: marine carriers are required to submit advance electronic information for imports and have the option for exports. To assist border services officers in their examinations, detection tools such as Remote Operated Vehicles and Vehicle and Cargo Inspection System are used. One hundred percent of marine containers in major ports are scanned for the presence of radiological material using radiation portals. People and goods that are found to be in violation of the applicable legislation andor regulations may be subject to enforcement action which may include a monetary penalty, seizure, or denied entry to Canada. Ferry andor Tour Boat Program Record Number: CBSA ADM 115 Bay Plan Reporting Initiative Record Number: CBSA ENF 101 The Postal Program identifies and intercepts international mail items valued less than CAD1,600 that are inadmissible to Canada while ensuring that legitimate mail items are processed within established service standard and applicable duties and taxes are assessed and collected. Mail items valued at CAD1,600 or higher are processed in the regular commercial import stream. The Postal Program operates at three CBSA Mail Centres in Canada. Border services officers conduct an inspection of international mail items to determine whether further processing (e. g. assessment and payment of duties andor taxes) andor a physical examination is required. Mail items that do not require CBSA intervention are released to Canada Post for delivery. To assist border services officers in their examinations, detection tools such as X-ray, and detector dogs may be used. Mail items found to be in violation of the applicable legislation andor regulations may be seized on behalf of other government departments. The importer is advised of their appeal rights, and Canada Post is advised that the item has been taken from the mail stream. All other items that are deemed admissible, after examination, are released to Canada Post for delivery. Postal Program Description: Describes records related to Postal Program. May include records related to the establishment or use of electronic systems used to administer or manage the program including the Postal Imports Control System (PICS), Postal Imports Control System Head Quarters (PICS HQ), Accelerated Commercial Release Operations Support System (ACROSS) and Integrated Customs Enforcement System (ICES). Document Types: Memos, Forms, Pamphlets and an agreements concerning processing and clearance of Postal Imports. Record Number: CBSA ADM 136 Mail Seizure Database Description: This database describes electronic records of all mail seizures executed by Intelligence Unit personnel in the BCYukon Region. Data includes: individuals name, address, status in Canada, client identification number of both the addressee and sender date item detained by the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) date examined or seized by Immigration disposition of seizure seizure type (partial or full seizure) seizure documents (document holder name nationality of document, document type) comments, and mail carrier information (carrier name, shipping and control number). Class of Individuals: The bank describes information on individuals whose mail has been seized by Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA). Purpose: The purpose of the database is to provide a detailed record of every mail seizure in the BCYukon Region in order to support the intelligence function. Consistent Uses: Information may be considered in relation to immigration applications processed by Citizenship and Immigration (CIC PPU 039 CIC PPU 042 CIC PPU 055) personnel and for intelligence reports regarding the movement of documentation into Canada. Information may be shared with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) for the purpose of investigations related to immigration legislation. Retention and Disposal Standards: Paper records are retained for two years after the last administrative action. In some cases that involve complex issuesproceedings, they are kept for 10 years. As for automated records, they are retained for policy analysis purposes to monitor effectiveness of the program and are kept for 10 years and then destroyed. RDA Number: 88012 Related Record Number: CBSA ADM 136 TBS Registration: 005204 Bank Number: CBSA PPU 023 Courier Low Value Shipment The Courier Low-Value Shipment (LVS) Program identifies and intercepts courier importations that are inadmissible to Canada. The importations, which are conducted by approved courier participants, enter at designated sufferance warehouses. This provides a streamlined reporting, release and accounting process for most courier importations valued at less than CAD1,600. Mail items valued at CAD1,600 or higher are removed from the Program and processed in the regular commercial process. To participate in the Courier LVS Program, a courier company must be pre-approved by the CBSA. Prior to the arrival of a courier shipment, the CBSA reviews the electronic information submitted by the courier to determine whether the goods meet the requirements of the Program and applicable legislation andor if a physical examination is required. If a physical examination is required, the item is presented to a border services officer upon arrival. To assist border services officers in their examinations, detection tools such as targets and detector dogs may be used. Goods found to be in violation of the applicable legislation andor regulations may be subject to a monetary penalty or seizure. Courier Low Value Shipment (LVS) Program Description: Describes records relating to the Courier Low Value Shipment (LVS) Program. May include records related to the use of electronic systems used to administer or manage the program including the Accelerated Commercial Release Operations Support System (ACROSS), the Customs Commercial System (CCS) and the Integrated Customs System (ICS), Integrated Customs Enforcement System (ICES), and Police Information Retrieval System (PIRS). Document Types: Memos, Information relating to the Persons Authorized to Account for Casual Goods Regulation, Guidelines, Policies, Procedures, Courier Imports Remission Order (CIRO), Applications and Instructions for prospective participants, Release Prior to Payment Bonds, Memoranda of Understanding, list of approved participants, Cost recovery procedures for the Courier LVS Program and other administrative records. Record Number: CBSA ADM 112 Criminal Investigations Under the Criminal Investigations program, the CBSA protects the integrity of border-related legislation and contributes to public safety and Canadarsquos economic security by investigating and pursuing the prosecution of travellers, importers, exporters andor other persons who commit criminal offences in contravention of Canadarsquos border-related legislation. CBSA investigators review potential border legislation violations and gather evidence using a variety of investigative techniques, including search warrants, production orders and digital forensic analysis. These violations include criminal offences under the Customs Act, Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, various food, plant and animal legislation, and other border-related legislation. In conjunction with the Public Prosecution Service of Canada, the CBSA pursues the prosecution of individuals or business entities who violate Canadarsquos border-related legislation. Criminal Investigations Program Description: Describes records related to the investigation of individuals and entities suspected of committing offences against Canadas border legislation, such as the Customs Act andor the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA) . and any subsequent or related prosecution. Note: Records may be found in the following systems: Criminal Investigations Information Management System (CIIMS) . the Intelligence Management System (IMS) . the Integrated Customs Enforcement System (ICES) . the Field Operations Support System (FOSS) . the National Case Management System (NCMS) . the Global Case Management System (GCMS) . the Automated Import Reference System (AIRS) . the Accelerated Commercial Release Operations Support System (ACROSS) and the Canadian Police Information Center (CPIC) . Document Types: PoliciesDirectives, procedures and functional guidance, manuals, strategies, budgetfinance information, performance frameworks and metrics, statistics, training strategies and course material, business cases, Memoranda to Cabinet (MC), Treasury Board Submissions, Memoranda of Understanding (MOU), Written Collaborative Agreements (WCA), Letters of Intent (LOI), Production Orders, Search Warrants, Arrest Warrants, Forms (Charge Forms, Evidence Seizure Receipt, Notice of Ascertained Forfeiture, Statement of Goods Seized, Exhibit Control, Notice of Ascertained Forfeiture, Notice of Penalty Assessment, Notice to Crown Counsel), operational bulletins, plans and reports and briefing material. Record Number: CBSA ENF 123 Criminal Investigations Program Description: This bank describes information that is about individuals subject to criminal investigation by the CBSA. Personal information may include photographs, name, contact information, biographical information, biometric information, citizenship status, credit information, criminal checkshistory, date of birth, date of death, educational information, financial information, personal identification numbers, physical attributes, place of birth, place of death, signature, identitytravel document, residence history, phone records, computer records, caution flags, business records, importexport information, customs infractions and seizures, immigration violations and offences, travel history. Note: In addition to the requirements specified on the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Personal Information Request form, individuals requesting information described by this bank must provide the incident and location. All Acts and Regulations the CBSA is responsible for. Personal information may be stored in the following systems: the Criminal Investigations Information System (CIIMS) . the Intelligence Management System (IMS) . the Integrated Customs Enforcement System (ICES) . the Automated Import Reference System (AIRS) . the Accelerated Commercial Release Operations Support System (ACROSS) . the Field Operations Support System (FOSS) . the Global Case Management System (GCMS) . the National Case Management System (NCMS) . the Secure Tracking System (STS) and the Canadian Police Information Centre (CPIC) . Class of Individuals: General Public. Purpose: Personal information is collected pursuant to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA) . the Customs Act . the Customs Tariff . the Excise Act . Export and Import Permits Act and the Criminal Code of Canada for the purposes of law enforcement. Consistent Uses: The information may be disclosed internally to the CBSA Operations Branch for the purposes of the law enforcement, for purposes of detection, suppression and prevention of offences and for the purposes of quality assurance, evaluation, Program integrity and to brief senior management. The information may be disclosed externally to the Public Prosecution Service of Canada and the Department of Justice (DOJ) for the purposes of prosecution andor appeal purposes refer to: Prosecutions and Prosecution-Related Activities PPSC PPU 002 and Prosecution and Related Criminal Matters JUS PPU 015 . to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) for the purposes of law enforcement refer to: Operational Case Records RCMP PPU 005 . The information may also be disclosed externally to Foreign Governments subject to multilateral Treaties or Written Collaborative Agreements (WCA), provincial attorney generals (crown attorneys), law enforcement bodies and detaining authorities for the purposes of law enforcement. Retention and Disposal Standards: Customs Information: Records will be retained for five years and will then are destroyed. Immigration Information: Under Development. RDA Number: Customs Information: 2000033 Immigration Information: 2006004 Related Record Number: CBSA ENF 123 TBS Registration: 20140079 Bank Number: CBSA PPU 1402 CBSA ProgramsOperations Systems Development Record Number: CBSA ENF 137 Integrated Customs Enforcement System (I. C.E. S.) Related Record Number: CBSA ENF 137 Bank Number: CBSA PPU 016 Export of Stolen Vehicles Initiatives Description: Describes records related to initiatives undertaken by the Canada Border Services Agency in order to prevent the export of stolen vehicles. May include records related to the establishment or use of electronic systems used to administer or manage the program including the Integrated Customs Enforcement System (ICES), Canadian Police Information Center (CPIC), and other Customs Intelligence Databases. Document Types: Memorandum to Cabinet (Stolen Vehicles) Record Number: CBSA ENF 107 Immigration Enforcement The Immigration Enforcement Program determines whether foreign nationals and permanent residents who are or may be inadmissible to Canada are identified and investigated, detained, monitored andor removed from Canada. Foreign nationals and permanent residents of Canada believed to be inadmissible are investigated and may have a report written against them by a CBSA inland enforcement officer. Depending on the type of inadmissibility, the merits of the report are reviewed by either a Ministerrsquos Delegate or an independent decision maker at the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB) where a CBSA hearings officer represents the Minister of Public Safety. Subsequent to this review, a removal order may be issued against the foreign national or permanent resident in question. Removal orders issued against refugee claimants are conditional and do not come into force until the claim against the removal order is abandoned, withdrawn or denied by the IRB. CBSA ProgramsOperations Systems Development Record Number: CBSA ENF 137 Enforcement Information Index System (EIIS) Related Record Number: CBSA ENF 137 Bank Number: CBSA PPU 025 Enforcement Data System Related Record Number: CBSA ENF 137 Bank Number: CBSA PPU 032 Overt Audio-Video Surveillance Record Number: CBSA BPD 1101 Overt Audio Video Surveillance Related Class of Record Number: CBSA BPD 1101 Bank Number: CBSA PPU 1104 Immigration Investigations The Immigration Investigations Program investigates reports and arrests foreign nationals and permanent residents already in Canada who are or may be inadmissible to Canada as defined by the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act. Investigation techniques can include data analysis of information collected regarding an individualrsquos immigration application, physical surveillance to locate fugitive inadmissible persons and field searches of residences and belongings for evidence. Depending on the type of inadmissibility and the status of the person in question, inadmissibility reports are reviewed by either a Ministerrsquos Delegate or the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada. When a person fails to appear for an immigration proceeding such as an examination, admissibility hearing or removal interview, a warrant for their arrest may be issued. Warrants may also be issued against a foreign national or permanent resident where a CBSA inland enforcement officer has reasonable grounds to believe that they are inadmissible to Canada. Five Country Conference (FCC) Biometric Matching and Information Sharing Initiative Record Number: CBSA ENF 127 CBSA ProgramsOperations Systems Development Record Number: CBSA ENF 137 Immigration Investigation Program Description: Describes records related to investigations into Foreign Nationals (FN) or Permanent Residents (PR) who may be inadmissible to Canada under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA) . Note: Records may be found in the following systems: the Field Operations Support System (FOSS) . the National Case Management System (NCMS) and the Canadian Police Information Center (CPIC) . Document Types: AdmissibilityInadmissibility reports, forms (Vienna Convention Rights Form, Notice of Seizure, Notice of Arrest, Departure Order, Deportation Order, Exclusion Order), Warrants, case files, policiesdirectives, procedures, operational bulletins, manuals, discussion papers, Memoranda of Understanding (MOU), performance framework material, training strategies and course material, briefing notes, issue sheets and question period cards. Record Number: CBSA ENF 130 Immigration Investigations Program Description: This bank describes information that is used in support of the Immigration Investigations Program, including the management of immigration arrest warrants, the preparation and confirmation of inadmissibility reports, supporting material for inadmissibility hearings, detention reviews and Immigration Appeal Division appeal hearings from visa refusal decisions or removal orders. Personal information may include name, contact information, biographical information, biometric information, citizenship status, credit information, criminal checkshistory, date of birth, place of birth, educational information, financial information, physical attributes, employee personnel information, medical information, photos, signature, travel documentation, travel history and personal identification numbers. Note: In addition to the requirements specified on the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Personal Information Request form, individuals requesting information described by this bank must provide the immigration client identification number. Personal information may be stored in the following systems: the Field Operations Support System (FOSS) . the Global Case Management System (GCMS) . the National Case Management System (NCMS) . the Secure Tracking System (STS) . the Confirmation and Tracking System (CATS) and the Canadian Police Information Centre (CPIC) . Class of Individuals: Foreign Nationals (FN) and Permanent Residents (PR). Purpose: Personal information is collected pursuant to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA) for the purposes of the administration and enforcement of IRPA and related immigration legislation and regulations. Consistent Uses: The information may be disclosed internally with the CBSA Operations and Programs Branches for the purposes of enforcing the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA) . including the Wanted by the CBSA initiative, audit and evaluation, briefing senior management and policy, procedural, and training development. The information may be disclosed externally to Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) for the purposes of administering Immigration and Refugee Programs refer to: Immigration Case File CIC PPU 042 . to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) for the purpose of immigration law enforcement refer to Operational Case Records RCMP PPU 005 . The information may also be disclosed externally with various Foreign Governments subject to multilateral Treaties, Mutual Legal Assistance Treaties, or Written Collaborative Agreements (WCA) for the purposes of administering and enforcing immigration and citizenship laws. Information may also be disclosed externally to municipalprovincialterritorial law enforcement agencies and Interpol for the purposes of immigration law enforcement. Retention and Disposal Standards: Under Development. RDA Number: Customs Information: 2000033 Immigration Information: 2006004 Related Record Number: CBSA ENF 137, CBSA ENF 127, CBSA ENF 130 TBS Registration: 20140077 Bank Number: CBSA PPU 1403 CBSA ProgramsOperations Systems Development Record Number: CBSA ENF 137 Clients Interviewed by an Officer (DOW) Description: This bank describes information on clients encountered by immigration officers at a port of entry in the Quebec Region. This file includes such items as the clients family name, first name, the date and the office where the client presented himselfherself, and the individuals status in Canada. Persons who wish to consult this information must provide their family name, first name and date of birth. Class of Individuals: Individuals who appear at a port of entry of Citizenship and Immigration Canada. Purpose: This file enables the local office to obtain statistics concerning the volumes of clients encountered, the nature of the requests, the issuing of documents, and the number of clients referred by Customs. Consistent Uses: None. Retention and Disposal Standards: The data contained in this file is retained for a period of two years and then destroyed. RDA Number: 00033 Related Record Number: CBSA ENF 137 TBS Registration: 009941 Bank Number: CBSA PPU 014 Immigration Mail and Courier Tracking System (IMPACT) Description: This bank describes information related to documents and things seized under the authority of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act. Information on known senders, shippers and receivers of the packages, of handling and seizure information and of the contents of packages and their disposal is all recorded and tracked. Class of Individuals: Any person listed as a sender or receiver of a package that is detained by Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) under the Customs Act and referred for a decision regarding seizure or release under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act. Purpose: To track information related to the process in terms of discerning patterns of activity and to respond to client requests for information on the results of processes. Consistent Uses: Information is shared with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) in terms of the results of their examination processes and with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) in terms of possible prosecution under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act. Retention and Disposal Standards: Materials seized are held for a period of five years from the last administrative update. RDA Number: 98001 Related Record Number: CBSA ENF 137 TBS Registration: 005197 Bank Number: CBSA PPU 022 The File and Document Cross Reference Database (XREF) Description: This bank describes electronic and paper file numbers and document titles together with numerical and alpha cross references in terms of related files and file contents. File contents cross references may be dates, persons, places, events or things. Class of Individuals: Any person who is the subject of a file holding or is listed as having a significant reference within the text. Purpose: To facilitate retrieval of electronic and paper information holdings related to policies, procedures, practices and reports. Consistent Uses: The collected materials are an index of information holdings only that have various degrees of security classification and caveats in terms of consistent use and dissemination. The detailed holdings themselves are maintained separately and are not contained within the index. The index is not shared with any other agency but used for internal information retrieval only. Retention and Disposal Standards: Index entries are generally maintained only as long as the source material, electronic or paper, is itself maintained. RDA Number: 00033 Related Record Number: CBSA ENF 137 TBS Registration: 009942 Bank Number: CBSA PPU 1028 Canadian Experience Class (CEC) Initiative Description: Describes records related to the Canadian Experience Class (CEC) Initiative. May include records related to the establishment or use of electronic systems used to administer or manage the program including the Criminal Investigations Information Management System (CIIMS), the Field operational support system (FOSS), and the National Case Management System (NCMS). Document Types: Memoranda of Understanding, WorkStudy to Residence Memorandum to Cabinet, Canadian Experience Class Treasury Board Submission, case files, Briefing Notes and other program records. Record Number: CBSA ENF 103 Temporary Foreign Worker Program Description: Describes records related to the Temporary Foreign Worker Program. May include records related to the use of electronic systems used to administer or manage the program including the Citizenship and Immigration Canadas Field Operations Support System (FOSS), Computer-Assisted Immigration Processing System (CAIPS), and the National Case Management System (NCMS). Document Types: Briefing Notes, Forms, permits, Memoranda of Understanding, Operational Bulletins, Operational Manuals and training materials Record Number: CBSA ADM 135 Temporary Foreign Worker Program Description: This bank describes information that is related to the administration of the Temporary Foreign Worker Program. The personal information may include name, aliases, contact information, biographical information, citizenship status, criminal checkshistory, date of birth, gender, educational information, employee identification number, passport number, client identification number, work permit number, temporary visa number, other identification numbers, language, medical information, physical attributes, place of birth, signature and last country of residence. Note: In addition to the requirements specified on the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Personal Information Request form, individuals requesting information described by this bank must provide the Name, aliases, date of birth, Client identification number (also known as Field Operations Support System (FOSS) number), work permit number, citizenship. Information may be stored in the following internal systems databases: Field Operational Support System (FOSS), Global Case Management System (GCMS), Computer Assisted Immigration Processing System (CAIPS). Class of Individuals . Foreign national workers and accompanying family members, employers and third party representatives under the Temporary Foreign Worker Program. Purpose: The personal information is used to administer and enforce the eligibility determination of the Temporary Foreign Worker Program in respect of the issuance and revocation of a work permit and allowing entry into or to remain in Canada. Personal information is collected pursuant to Sections 11 . 20 and 22 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and Part 11 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations. Consistent Uses . The information may be used or disclosed for the following purposes: enforcement, reporting to senior management, safety, security, evaluation and statistical purposes. Names, date of birth and client identification number may be shared with Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) refer to Temporary Worker Records and Case File - CIC PPU 054 and Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC) refer to Foreign Worker Program - HRSDC PPU 440. Temporary foreign workers personal information may be shared with provincial governments (i. e. provincial social services). Retention and Disposal Standards . Paper records will be retained for 2 years after the last administrative action and then are destroyed. Electronic records are retained indefinitely. Work permits are microfilmed and retained indefinitely at Citizenship and Immigration Canada. RDA Number . 2006004 Related Class of Record Number . CBSA ADM 135 TBS Registration . 20100324 Bank Number . CBSA PPU 050 Detentions The Detentions Program detains andor monitors the conditions of release of foreign nationals or permanent residents where there are reasonable grounds to believe the individual is inadmissible to Canada and where the individual is a danger to the public, poses a flight risk or where their identity is not established. Foreign nationals and permanent residents may also be detained upon entry into Canada for an examination or where the individual is suspected of being inadmissible for security reasons. They are entitled to an Immigration and Refugee Board hearing after being detained for 48 hours, 7 days and 30 days. The CBSA has three immigration holding centres in Canada located at Vancouver, Toronto and Montreacuteal. CBSA ProgramsOperations Systems Development Record Number: CBSA ENF 137 Immigration Detainees Management System (IDMS) Description: This bank describes information on individuals held in the Immigration Holding Centrersquos in Quebec by the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA). The file makes it possible to manage detention cases by producing reports on detainees (including children) being held in the Immigration Holding Centre and in other detention facilities in Quebec. It also makes it possible to track the movements of detainees. The file contains the following information: family name, first name, date of birth, date and time of arrival, sex, country of birth, office, number of dependents (spouse and children), type of detainee (criminal, refugee protection claimant or other), height, weight, colour of eyes, colour of hair, remarks (e. g. tattoo), reason for detention, notification to Youth Protection Directorate (YPD) cases (for children), complaints made by the detainee, and the list of places visited by the detainees during their detention (e. g. bank, hospital, etc.). Individuals who wish to consult this information must provide their family name, first name, date of birth and their Field Operations Support System (FOSS) identification number. Class of Individuals: Individuals who are detained for immigration related processes. Purpose: The main function of this file is to provide follow-up on the activities of individuals being held in the Immigration Holding Centre in the Quebec region. Personal information is collected pursuant to Sections 44 . 55 . 56 . 57 . and 59 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA) . Consistent Uses: The information may be used or disclosed internally for the purposes of enforcement and reporting to senior management. Retention and Disposal Standards: Records will be retained for a period of five years and then are destroyed. RDA Number: 90002 Related Record Number: CBSA ENF 137 TBS Registration: 005194 Bank Number: CBSA PPU 021 Immigration Hearings The Immigration Hearings Program ensures that the Government of Canadarsquos interests are represented at immigration proceedings before the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB) which determines the immigration and detention status of foreign nationals and permanent residents already in Canada, in accordance with the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act. CBSA hearings officers are responsible for representing the Minister of Public Safety andor the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration Canada at immigration proceedings before the IRB. This function ensures that foreign nationals and permanent residents who are inadmissible to Canada are denied status, and removal orders are issued where appropriate. Hearings and Detentions Program Description: Describes records related to the Hearings and Detentions program. May include records related to the use of electronic systems used to administer or manage the program including the National Case Management System (NCMS) and Citizenship and Immigration Canadas Field Operations Support System (FOSS). Document Types: Enforcement Manual (Chapters 2 - Evaluating inadmissibility, 3 - Admissibility, hearings and detention review proceedings, 8 - Deposits and Guarantees, 19 - Appeals before the Immigration Appeal Division (IAD) of the Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB), 20 - Detention, 22 - Persons serving a sentence, 24 - Ministerial Interventions, 31 - Applications for non-disclosure at IRB hearings) and Forms. Record Number: CBSA ENF 128 Hearings and Detentions Program Description: This bank describes information that is used in support of the Hearings and Detentions Program. The personal information may include name, contact information, biographical information, biometric information, citizenship status, credit information, criminal checkshistory, date of birth, family composition, educational information, employment equity information, financial information, medical information, physical attributes, place of birth, signature and Field Operations Support System (FOSS) ID number and any documentary evidence provided by the person concerned to support their hearing. Note: In addition to the requirements specified on the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Personal Information Request form, individuals requesting information described by this bank must provide the Field Operations Support System (FOSS) ID number. Information may be stored in the following internal systemsdatabases: Field Operations Support System (FOSS) and National Case Management System (NCMS). Class of Individuals: Persons who have been subject to the enforcement provisions of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act of Canada. Individuals who are detained for immigration related processes. May also include the general public and family members if identified during proceedings. Purpose: The personal information is used to administer and provide services for the Hearings and Detentions Program. Personal information is collected pursuant to A15 . A16 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and R29 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations . Consistent Uses: The information may be used or disclosed for the following purposes: administration and enforcement of the Act (IRPA), inventory of medical history, reporting to senior management, safety, security and evaluation. Some information may be disclosed to various foreign governments, law enforcement bodies, and other authorities (e. g. Royal Canadian Mounted Police . Immigration and Refugee Board ) with respect to the administration and enforcement of immigration legislation. Refer to Operations Records - RCMP OPS 002 . Immigration Division Case Files - IRB PPU 140 . Medical and emergency contact information may be shared with Correctional Services Canada and with Provincial Correctional Facilities in Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick Queacutebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and British Columbia, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick for medical and emergency contact purposes. Refer to Offender Health Care - CSC PPU 060 . Retention and Disposal Standards: Records will be retained for 5 years from the date of the last administrative action andor following 5 years of dormancy and then are destroyed. Paper records are retained for ten years from the date of the last administrative action and then are destroyed. RDA Number: 98001 Related Record Number: CBSA ENF 128 TBS Registration: 20110397 Bank Number: CBSA PPU 1107 The Removals Program ensures that foreign nationals and permanent residents with an enforceable removal order are removed from Canada. Once a person is removal-ready, an interview is conducted to ensure that a travel document is available and that a pre-removal risk assessment is offered by a CBSA inland enforcement officer. Where a valid travel document is not available, CBSA inland enforcement officers liaise with foreign embassies to secure the required travel documents. The CBSA may have to make further arrangements for removal, which could include arranging for travel (e. g. purchasing an airline ticket or chartering a plane for high-risk individuals in exceptional cases), providing escorts (e. g. to respond to airline and transit country requirements), and liaising with CBSA staff abroad (migration integrity officers) to ensure smooth passage from Canada to the final destination. Security Certificate Program Description: Describes records relating to the Security Certificate Program. May include records related to the establishment or use of electronic systems used to administer or manage the program such as the Monitoring Activity Reporting System (MARS), the Canadian Police Information Centre (CPIC), and the Field Operations Support System (FOSS). Document Types: Consent forms, monitoring manual, electronic monitoring procurement contracts, standard operating procedures, operational plans, briefing notes, decks, business cases, Memoranda to Cabinet, Treasury Board submissions, and Global Positions System documents. Record Number: CBSA ENF 136 Security Certificate Program Description: This bank describes information that is used in support of the regional security monitoring units on compliance monitoring of individuals subject to a security certificate. Personal information may include biographical information, biometric information, residency status, contact information, credit information, date of birth, date of death, educational information, financial information, financial institution information, language, medical information, name, physical attributes, place of birth, and signatures. Class of Individuals: The individuals include permanent residents and foreign nationals subject to a security certificate, as well their family, friends, colleagues and co-workers, who are identified by the terms and conditions established by the Federal Court Purpose: The personal information is used to monitor the compliance of the individual subject to a security certificate to the terms and conditions imposed by the Federal Court. The authority to collect personal information is authorized by sections 77(1), 82(5), (a-b) and 83 (1), (a-j) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and the terms and conditions of the Federal Court order. Consistent Uses: The information may be used or disclosed for the following purposes: archival, audit, enforcement, evaluation, reporting to senior management, safety, policy and risk management framework development, and administration. Reports and findings may be shared with the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (Canadian Security Intelligence Service Investigational Records SIS PPU 045) the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (Criminal Operational Intelligence Records (Exempt bank) CMP PPU 015, National Security Investigations Records (Exempt bank) CMP PPU 025, Operational Case Records CMP PPU 005) the Department of Justice (Prosecution and Related Criminal Matters JUS PPU 015) Citizenship and Immigration Canada (Human Rights Case Files CIC PPU 059, Case Processing System (CPS) CIC PPU 040, Immigration Case File CIC PPU 042, Litigation Information Management System (LIMS) CIC PPU 043, Protected Persons Status Documents CIC PPU 066, Refugee Tracking System (RTS) CIC PPU 008) Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) (Admission and Discharge CSC PPU 025, International Transfers CSC PPU 125, Offender Health Care CSC PPU 060, Offender Information CSC PPU 115, Psychology CSC PPU 070, Visits and Correspondence CSC PPU 080 and P ublic Safety (National Security PSEPC PPU 026). Retention and Disposal Standards: Under development. RDA Number: Under development. Related Record Number: CBSA ENF 136 TBS Registration: 20091168 Bank Number: CBSA PPU 060 The Recourse program provides the business community and individuals with an accessible mechanism to seek an impartial review of service-related complaints, program decisions and enforcement actions taken by the CBSA. This program ensures that their decisions are fair, transparent and accurately reflect the Agencyrsquos policies and the Acts administered by the CBSA. Individuals can complete a written submission if they disagree with an enforcement action or a program decision made by the CBSA or wish to submit a complaint or compliment about services. Clients are provided with a timely acknowledgement of their correspondence, before CBSA officials conduct a thorough review, taking into consideration the legislation administered by the Agency, CBSA policies, the clientrsquos point of view and, where necessary, technical opinions from CBSA experts or legal advice from the Department of Justice. Individuals who are not satisfied with the CBSArsquos review can appeal to the appropriate court, tribunal or external review body. The Recourse Program also facilitates the review of external complaints of discrimination filed with the Canadian Human Rights Commission and assists the Department of Justice representing the Agency on appeals to the Federal Court, various tribunals and other external bodies. Enforcement Appeals Description: Describes records related to the Adjudications Program. May include records related to the establishment or use of electronic systems used to administer and manage the program including the Action and Dispute Management System (ADMS), Integrated Customs System (ICS), Integrated Customs Enforcement System (ICES), Standard Payment System (SPS), and Customs Commercial System (CCS). Document Types: Procedural guidelines, policies, manuals, position papers and redress related letters such as: acknowledgement letter, notice of reasons for action, recommendation and case synopsis and notice of reasons for decision. Record Number: CBSA ADM 101 Trade Appeals Description: Describes records related to the appeal of a trade decision under the Customs Act, which provides redress to importers who disagree with the decisions of the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) regarding tariff classification, value for duty, origin and the marking of imported goods. May include records related to the establishment or use of electronic systems used to administer and manage the program including the Trade Disputes Management System (TDMS) and Customs Commercial System (CCS). Key program stakeholders include Department of Justice (DOJ) and United States Customs Border Protection (CBP). Document Types: Procedural guidelines, policies, manuals, position papers, protocols with other areas within Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) and memoranda of understanding Record Number: CBSA ADM 103 Recourse Directorate Records Description: This bank describes records of appealed enforcement actions, which includes personal information, as well as details pertaining to the enforcement action. Class of Individuals: Travellers, importers, exporters and transportation companies, brokers, and warehouse operators. Purpose: The principal purpose of the record is to assist Adjudicators and Officers of the Recourse Directorate in determining whether there is a contravention under the law and if the monetary terms should be mitigated or cancelled, or goods forfeited or returned. The records are also used for reporting purposes. Consistent Uses: None. Retention and Disposal Standards: Automated and paper records, including reports, are retained for six (6) years after the file is closed. RDA Number: Under development. Related Record Number: CBSA ADM 101, CBSA ADM 103 TBS Registration: 000011 Bank Number: CBSA PPU 005 Overt Audio-Video Surveillance Record Number: CBSA BPD 1101 Overt Audio Video Surveillance Related Class of Record Number: CBSA BPD 1101 Bank Number: CBSA PPU 1104 Canadian Human Rights Complaints Description: Describes records related to complaints of discrimination filed with the Canadian Human Rights Complaints regarding services provided by Canada Border Services Agency. Document Types: Procedural guidelines, policies, manuals and Memoranda of Understanding Record Number: CBSA ADM 102 Enhanced Feedback Mechanism Description: Describes records related to the Enhanced Feedback Mechanism Program. May include records related to the establishment or use of electronic systems used to administer or manage the program including the Complaints and Compliments Database (CCDB), the Complaints Logbook, and ccmMercury System. Document Types: Standard Operating Procedures amp Flowchart, Client Online Feedback Form (Automated), Acknowledgement Letters, Response Letters to complaintscompliments from the public, Complaint Input Form and Statistical Reports. Record Number: CBSA REC 001 Complaints Description: This bank describes information that is used in support of investigation reports and replies to complaints from individuals who have disputes with Canada Border Services Agency. Information may also be retained in Border Services Officers notebooks - Customs form CE1. Class of Individuals: Members of the general public. Purpose: The purpose of this bank is to maintain a record of complaints related to personnel and procedures. Consistent Uses: To provide ongoing statistical reports to senior management and regional management on the number and types of complaints by mode and location. Retention and Disposal Standards: Files are retained for six (6) years after the file is closed. RDA Number: 2000033 Related Record Number: CBSA ADM 102, CBSA REC 001 TBS Registration: 000005 Bank Number: CBSA PPU 003 CBSA ProgramsOperations Systems Development Record Number: CBSA ENF 137 Enforcement Information Index System (EIIS) Related Record Number: CBSA ENF 137 Bank Number: CBSA PPU 025 Enforcement Data System Related Record Number: CBSA ENF 137 Bank Number: CBSA PPU 032 Revenue and Trade Management Program The Revenue and Trade Management Program administers international and regional trade agreements and domestic legislation and regulations governing trade in commercial goods. The Program ensures that appropriate trade data is collected and that the duties and taxes owed to the Government of Canada are remitted in accordance with Canadian trade laws and import requirements. Commercial importers must accurately report on their goods at the time of importation, and remit the required payment, or self-correct their entries, and pay any additional amounts owing, when they have reason to believe that trade-related reporting errors have occurred. Anti-Dumping and Countervailing The Anti-Dumping and Countervailing Program is responsible for the administration of the Special Import Measures Act (SIMA). Its role is to provide assistance to Canadian producers who face unfair foreign competition from dumped or subsidized goods in the Canadian marketplace. SIMA provides measures of redress against such goods when they have caused injury to the Canadian industry, and is in keeping with Canadas international obligations as a signatory to the World Trade Organization. Protecting Canadian industry against the injury from dumped or subsidized imports requires a two-track approach, with the CBSA responsible for determining whether imports are being dumped or subsidized, and the Canadian International Trade Tribunal (CITT) making the decision of whether these imports have caused injury to Canadian production. Anti-Dumping and Countervailing Duty (ADCP) Program Description: Describes records related to the Anti-Dumping and Countervailing Duty (ADCP) Program. May include records related to the establishment or use of electronic systems used to administer or manage the program including the Special Import Measures Act (SIMA) Portal (Electronic Document Management System) and the Customs Commercial System (CCS). Document Types: Replies from external parties to questionnaires and requests for information, reports and analyses by Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) officers, D-Memorandums, documentation from Canadian and foreign businesses, compliance reviews and investigations and Memoranda of Understanding. Record Number: CBSA ADM 137 Trade Policy The Trade Policy Program is responsible for interpreting the legislation and regulations that govern the tariff classification, origin and value of imported goods, and the related assessment of duties and taxes, so as to ensure that persons engaged in the importation of goods into Canada fully understand all of the trade-related requirements in order to promote self-compliance. The Program also administers Canadarsquos trade incentive initiatives (e. g. duties deferral, customs warehouses, remissions, and drawbacks) which assist Canadian businesses in remaining competitive in international markets. Further, the Program is responsible for the negotiation of the origin procedures that are included in all of Canadarsquos free trade agreements, which serve to strengthen international trade rules and open new markets for Canadians. Finally, the Program is responsible for representing the views of Canadians businesses in international trade fora, such as the World Customs Organization and the World Trade Organization, in order to ensure a fair and accessible global trading environment. Trade Compliance The Trade Compliance Program ensures compliance by Canadian industries to pay the appropriate duties and taxes on imported goods. The Program ensures that goods being imported into Canada are properly self-assessed by the importers with the correct origin and tariff classification and at the appropriate value in accordance with the policies determined by the CBSA and with international and regional trade agreements. Compliance verification audits are also conducted to measure compliance with trade rules and to correct errors in declarations. Scientific and engineering referrals are conducted to ensure validity of the information received. Intellectual Property Right Project Description: Describes records related to the Intellectual Property Rights Project. This project is responsible for engaging domestic and international partners in discussions related to the protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights. Project partners include the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT), Health Canada (HC), Industry Canada (IC), the Department of Justice (DOJ) and Heritage Canada (HC). Document Types: Decks, Presentations, Briefing Notes, Papers, Regional Questionnaires, G8 and Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) consultation documentation, minutes and program development and planning documentation Record Number: CBSA ENF 131 Duty Free Shops Program Description: Describes records (e. g. licensee information, sales statistics) related to the Duty Free Shop Program. May include records related to the establishment or use of electronic systems used to administer or manage the program including the Licensing Evaluation and Monitoring System (WinLEMS) Document Types: Memos, Forms, Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), Verification Packages, and Compliance Reports. Record Number: CBSA ADM 126 Duty Free Shop Applicants (Land Border) Description: This bank describes application packages submitted to the Agency from individuals interested in operating a duty free shop at the land border and the Agencys evaluation as to their suitability. Class of Individuals: Residents of Canada who are Canadian citizens or permanent residents and who are from the small or medium business sector. Purpose: The purpose of this bank is to maintain application packages and related assessments. Consistent Uses: None. Retention and Disposal Standards: Files of unsuccessful applicants are retained for a period of two years, and then destroyed, and files of successful applicants (operators) are retained for a period of ten years, and then destroyed. RDA Number: 2000033 Related Record Number: CBSA ADM 126 TBS Registration: 000012 Bank Number: CBSA PPU 007 Customs Bonded Warehouses (CBW) Program Description: Describes records related to the Canada Border Services Agencys (CBSA) Customs Bonded Warehouses (CBW) facilities which are licensed and regulated by the CBSA and operated by the private sector where goods can be stored duty and tax free (generally for up to four years) until they are exported or are consumed domestically. Note: Records may be found in the following systems: the Batching and Reporting of K32s System (BARKS) . the Customized Management Reporting System (CMRS) and the Bonded Warehouse Administration System . This Class of Record was formerly named Duty Deferral Program . Document Types: CBW license applications, Bonds (Surety, Government of Canada, Other), sitewarehouse plans, Service Level Agreements (SLA), Threat Risk Assessment (TRA), Statement of Sensitivity (SOS), Privacy Impact Statement (PIA), BARKS system manual, systems documentation and Memoranda of Understanding. Access: Filed by company name in hard copy format and stored in the applicable CBSA regional office. Record Number: CBSA ADM 139 Tariff Classification Program Description: Describes records related to the Tariff Classification Program. This may include records related to electronic systems used to administer or manage the program, such as the Tariff Publishing and History System (TPHS), which is used to produce the Departmental Consolidation of the Customs Tariff, the Customs Commercial System (CCS), which processes commercial importation transactions, and its Technical Reference System (TRS), which is used to record precedent-setting decisions on tariff classification and for case tracking, as well as relevant reports generated using the Facility for Information Retrieval Management (FIRM). Document Types: Departmental Consolidation of the Customs Tariff, Memos, Customs Notices, Functional Guidance Bulletins, and Advance Rulings. Record Number: CBSA ADM 141 Systems Development - Admissibility Branch Description: Describes records related to the development and management of systems used by the Canada Border Services Agencyrsquos (CBSA) Admissibility Branch, including the Travellers Entry Processing System (TEPS) and the Travellers National Database System (TRANDS). Document Types: system descriptions and test packages, evaluation reports, briefing notes, Treasury Board submissions, Memoranda of Understanding, Information Sharing Agreements, forms, instructions manuals and training materials, Privacy Impact Assessments (PIA), Threat Risk Assessments(TRA). Record Number: CBSA ADM 143 Travellers Entry Processing System (TEPS) Travellers National Database System(TRANDS) Description: This bank consists of information captured from travellers B15 - Casual Goods Accounting Document and K21 General Receipt. TEPS captures the information at the time of importation and TRANDS retrieves the information for management reporting purposes. The information consists of the travellers name, address, commodity information and dutytax summary. Class of Individuals: Members of the general public. Purpose: TEPS - Assists the Border Service Officers in the assessment and collection of duties, taxes and other relevant data on travellers importations. TRANDS - Provides B15 data for Agency queries. Consistent Uses: The information is used primarily to provide the Agency, other government departments and outside agencies with financial and statistical data pertaining to travellers importations. Retention and Disposal Standards: Records will be maintained for a minimum of three years plus current fiscal year and will then be destroyed. RDA Number: 2000033 Related Record Number: CBSA ADM 143 TBS Registration: 003778 Bank Number: CBSA PPU 010 Unpaid Accounts Description: This bank describes records of those importers who have unpaid accounts. When an importer fails to account for customs duties payable on imported goods within a specified time limit, his or her name is circulated to ports of entry within that region and to other regions across Canada, depending on the circumstances. Class of Individuals: Members of the importing public. Purpose: The purpose of this bank is to maintain records of those importers who have unpaid accounts. The list of names is used to alert customs officials to detain the goods of those importers whose names appear thereon. Consistent Uses: None. Retention and Disposal Standards: Names are retained in this bank indeterminately. RDA Number: 2000033 Related Record Number: CBSA ADM 143 TBS Registration: 000010 Bank Number: CBSA PPU 037 Valuation Program Description: Describes records relating to the Valuation Program. May include records related to the establishment or use of electronic systems used to administer or manage the program the Technical Reference System (TRS), the Compliance Management System (CMS) and the Facility for Information Retrieval Management (FIRM). Document Types: Memos, Customs Notices on Valuation issues, Guides, Trade Verification Manual - Valuation (Chapter R), verification files, correspondence, presentations, and training materials. Record Number: CBSA ADM 142 Origin Program Description: Describes records related to the Origin Program. May include records related to the establishment or use of electronic systems used to administer or manage the program including the Technical Reference System (TRS), the Compliance Management System (CMS) and the Facility for Information Retrieval Management (FIRM). Document Types: Memos, Customs Notices on Origin issues, Trade Verification Manual - Origin (Chapters O and P), Forms, Memoranda of Understanding, OriginRecourse Protocol, verification files, correspondence, presentations and training materials. Record Number: CBSA ADM 140 Administrative Monetary Penalty System (AMPS) Program Description: Describes records related to the Administrative Monetary Penalty System (AMPS). May include records related to the establishment or use of electronic systems used to administer or manage the program including Canada Border Services Agencyrsquos (CBSA) Integrated Customs System (ICS). Document Types: Form E650, Notice of Penalty Assessment (NPA) Client Contravention History Statistical information in Customs Management Reporting System (CMRS) D-Memo D22-1-1 AMPS Reference Manual AMPS Bulletins, and Master Penalty Document. Record Number: CBSA ADM 122 Administrative Monetary Penalty System Program Description: This bank describes information that may include the Clients Customs Account Name and contact information, legal name, organization or company, as well as the Client Identifier, i. e. a business number, carrier code or sub-office locator number. Personal information may also include the issuing officers name, title, badge number and an issuing officers report, which contains details of the penalty assessment and the name and title, badge number of any other officer who may have assisted in the penalty assessment process. Class of Individuals: Individuals and representatives of Importer, Exporter, Carrier and Service Provider Businesses who have received AMPS penalties Purpose: Personal information is used to issue an AMPS monetary penalty to the person, who in most cases is a commercial entity, and may be a private citizen or an individual representing a commercial entity. Consistent Uses: This information may be used for the calculation of the dollar amount of the subsequent penalties should the individual or company commit another violation under the same contravention code within a specified timeline. Client contravention history is retained in the automated Administrative Monetary Penalty System (AMPS), which is housed in the Integrated Customs System for the purpose of review should the client apply for special privileges such as Customs Self Assessment (CSA) when a verification of client trade related documentation is being conducted, for risk assessment by Enforcement or Investigations or when clients request a review of their contravention history. Personal information may be shared with Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) who can initiate issuing of AMPS penalties. RCMP does not calculate penalty level, the automated system does that. Retention and Disposal Standards: Under development. (It is expected that The Administrative Monetary Penalty System (AMPS) will retain client contravention histories for seven years from the date the contravention was issued then it will be destroyed.) RDA Number: Under development. Related Record Number: CBSA ADM 122 TBS Registration: 20090706 Bank Number: CBSA PPU 001 Customs Self-Assessment (CSA) Program Description: Describes records related to the Customs Self Assessment Program which includes customs self-assessments, trade statistics. May also describe records related to the establishment or use of electronic systems used to administer or manage the program including the Consolidated Management Reporting Service (CMRS), the Field Operational Support System (FOSS), the Accelerated Commercial Release Operations Support System (ACROSS), the Integrated Customs Enforcement System (ICES), Customs Commercial System (CCS), the Intelligence Management System (IMS), the Facility for Information Retrieval Management (FIRM), the Customs Investigations Information Management System (CIIMS), the National Crime Information Center (NCIC), the Canadian Police Information Center (CPIC), the Police Information Retrieval System (PIRS), and the Police Reporting and Occurrence System (PROS). Document Types: Approved Carriers and Importers Database, Forms, evaluation reports compliance reviews and investigations. Record Number: CBSA ADM 114 Internal Services Internal services constitute groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are management and oversight services, communications services, legal services, human resources management services, financial management services, information management services, information technology services, real property services, materiel services, acquisition services, and travel and other administrative services. Internal services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program. Governance and Management Support Management and Oversight Management and oversight services involve activities undertaken for determining strategic direction and allocating resources among services and processes, as well as those activities related to analyzing exposure to risk and determining appropriate countermeasures. They ensure that the service operations and programs of the federal government comply with applicable laws, regulations, policies or plans. Arming Initiative Description: Describes records related to the Arming Initiative. May include records related to the establishment or use of electronic systems used to administer or manage the program including the Corporate Accounting System (CAS) and the Integrated Customs Enforcement System (ICES). Document Types: Arming Policies amp Procedures, Training Manuals and records, Incident Review amp Compliance, Draft Incident Management Reporting System (IMRS) Privacy Impact Assessment, Arming Initiative Project Charter, IMRS Project Charter, IMRS Business Case, Treasury Board Submission, Memorandum to Cabinet, Testing and Evaluation Materials, Briefing Notes, a Memorandum of Understanding (Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA)Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)) and Forms. Record Number: CBSA OPS 100 Use of Force and Incident Reporting Description: This bank describes information that is related to assault incident cases, investigation reports, other reports and correspondence completed by Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) officers who have drawn defensive equipment, including the duty firearm. The personal information collected in regards to the officer may include: name, badge number, contact information. The personal information collected in regards to the individual against who force was used may include: name, contact information, citizenship status, date of birth, physical attributes, national identification, birth certificate, drivers licence, passport, travel visa, CANPASS card information, NEXUS card information, incident report number. Class of Individuals: General public, current and former full time or part-time employees, as well as members of other assisting police agencies. Purpose: Personal information is used to establish an inventory of the types and frequency of the use of force incidents, to assist in the administration of security procedures, policy and procedural review, the training of officers and to determine whether prosecution is warranted. Personal information is collected pursuant to Canada Border Services Agency Act. Consistent Uses: The information may be used or disclosed for the following purposes: reporting to senior management and audit, evaluation, training, research, andor statistical. The information may be shared with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, provincial or municipal authorities, and the Department of Justice. Routine Uses not Included as Primary or Consistent Uses: Personal information may also be disclosed by the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) in a manner consistent with 8 (2) of the Privacy Act. Retention and Disposal Standards: Under development RDA Number: Under development Related Record Number: CBSA OPS 100 TBS Registration: 000006 Bank Number: CBSA PPU 012 Detector Dog Services (DDS) Program Description: Describes records related to Detector Dog Service (DDS) Program. Detector Dogs provide assistance to front line Border Services Officers (BSOs) in the detection of drugsfirearms, undeclared currency and food, plants and animals to reduce the inspection time required in labour intensive areas. They also provide assistance to outside law enforcement agencies and participate in public awareness campaigns and demonstrations to local schools, service clubs and community groups. Document Types: Search Reports, Handler Training Aids, Issue and Return Records, Medical Examinations, Monthly Utilization Records, Training Records, Weapons Logs, Firing Records and Dog Handler Kennel Allowances. Record Number: CBSA ENF 126 Personnel Security Screening Program Description: Includes records related to personnel security screening, recruitment and staffing of individuals to fill all positions including contracts within the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA). Records will have information related to security screening, which may include examining, testing, interviewing, assessing, selecting, hiring and promoting candidates for employment. May also include information related to terms and conditions of employment (including conflict of interest), deployments, assignments, secondments, student, professional, and occupational recruitment, post-employment appeals, and area of selection, as well as information received from or shared with central agencies responsible for security screening, recruitment and staffing, other employment agencies, or both. Note: Relevant information may be transferred to an employees personnel file if the individual accepts an offer of employment from the institution. Document Types: Unsolicited rsums, interview questions and answers, and security screening forms, Integrity Questionnaire received and used in the screening process prior to October 25, 2012, CBSA Residency and Travel Outside of Canada form, competition related information, reference check information, candidate and security screening inquiries and responses, copies of letters of offer, ratings board assessments, information within automated or Web-based application tools, second language evaluation results, identification, professional qualification and education documentation, credit check information, fingerprints including related database information, all documentation, reportstapesnotes from Integrity Interviews and psychological test results (pass or fail). Record Number: CBSA CMT 1120 Personnel Security Screening Program Description . This bank describes information about current and prospective employees who must undergo a security screening assessment to gain or maintain employment with the Canada Border Services Agency. The data in the bank describes personal information about the subject and his or her immediate family which may include criminal associations andor other factors that may be relevant to the file. It may also include results of name or fingerprint criminal record checks, pending charges, encounters with law enforcement, drivers abstract, credit bureau checks, Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) indices checks, open source Internet checks, Integrity Questionnaire received and used in the screening process prior to October 25, 2012, reportstapesnotes from Integrity Interviews, psychological test results (pass or fail), related correspondence, administrative investigative reports related to interviews and findings, outcome and related information documents with neighbours, previous employers, character references and an analysis of the information. Personal information may include biographical information, biometric information (fingerprints), citizenship status, contact information, credit information, date of birth, educational information, employee identification number, employee personnel information, financial information, name, signature, other (drivers licence number). In addition, it includes the level of security clearance issued or reliability status granted and the reasons the latter was denied or revoked, as the case may be. Note: Individuals requesting information described by this bank must provide the competition number andor Personal Record Identifier. Class of Individuals . All current employees, individuals applying to become an employee of the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA), former employees, agency, casual, seasonal, student and term employees, contractorsconsultants, full or part time employees of the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA), immediate relatives, current and former spouse common law partner, and individuals who give character reference. Purpose . Personal information is used to support decisions for granting, denying, revoking or reviewing for cause the reliability status, security clearance or site access of individuals working or applying to work through appointment, assignment or contract. A review for cause investigation may result in the revocation of the individuals reliability status, security clearance or site access. Personal information is collected pursuant to subsection 7(1) . 11.1(1) and 12(1)(e) of the Financial Administration Act (FAA) and as required under the Policy on Government Security and in accordance with the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) Departmental Security Policy . Sections 5 and 11 of the Canada Border Services Agency Act and Section 31 of the Public Service Employment Act (PSEA) . Consistent Uses . The information related to the Personnel Security Screening status (e. g. screening granted, denied, cancelled, valid, etc.) may be shared internally with Human Resources staffing officials, Labour Relations, and Hiring Managers for the purposes of updating the individuals personnel file refer to: Standard Personal Information Bank Employee Personnel Record PSE 901 . However, the personal information itself will not be shared. The information may be used or disclosed for the following purpose: conducting reliability personnel security screening checks, conducting database checks, periodic data matching and to assess an individuals loyalty and reliability as it relates to loyalty. Information may be shared with the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) refer to: Security AssessmentsAdvice SIS PPU 005 . the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) as service providers in accordance with the Policy on Government Security and for database checks refer to: Forensic Science and Identification Services and Canadian Criminal Real Time Identification Services CMP PPU 030 005 and Operational Case Records CMP PPU 005 . Minimal Information such as name and date of birth may be shared with credit bureaus for the purpose of conducting reliability personnel security screening checks. PIA . A Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) was completed in May 2012, and updated in November 2012, January 2013 and December 2013. Retention and Disposal Standards . Records will be retained for 2 years after an employee has left Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) and then records are destroyed. If a security level is revoked or denied, records will be retained for 5 years and then destroyed. RDA Number . 98005 Related Class of Record Number . CBSA CMT 1120 TBS Registration . 20120208 Bank Number: CBSA PPU 1108 Cooperation and Liaison Class of Record: PRN 904 Lobbying Act Requirements Personal Information Bank: PSU 937 Outreach Activities Personal Information Bank: PSU 938 Internal Audit and Evaluation Class of Record: PRN 916 Evaluation Personal Information Bank: PSU 942 Internal Audit Personal Information Bank: PSU 941 Executive Services Class of Record: PRN 943 Executive Correspondence Personal Information Bank: PSU 902 Planning and Reporting Class of Record: PRN 947 Communication Communications services involve activities undertaken to ensure that Government of Canada communications are effectively managed, well coordinated and responsive to the diverse information needs of the public. The communications management function ensures that the publicmdashinternal or externalmdashreceives government information, and that the views and concerns of the public are taken into account in the planning, management and evaluation of policies, programs, services and initiatives. Communications Class of Record: PRN 939 Internal Communications Personal Information Bank: PSU 915 Public Communications Personal Information Bank: PSU 914 Legal services involve activities undertaken to enable government departments and agencies to pursue policy, program and service delivery priorities and objectives within a legally sound framework. Legal Services Class of Record: PRN 902 Resource Management Services Human Resources Management Human resources management services involve activities undertaken for determining strategic direction, allocating resources among services and processes, as well as activities relating to analyzing exposure to risk and determining appropriate countermeasures. They ensure that the service operations and programs of the federal government comply with applicable laws, regulations, policies and plans. Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) Internal Identification Program Description: Describes records related to the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) Internal Identification Program. May include records related to the establishment or use of electronic systems used to administer or manage the program including the Two Factor (IPRSTF) system. Document Types: Registration forms, digital certificates, subscribers agreements, reports Record Number: CBSA IST 008 Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) Internal Identification Description: This bank describes information that may be collected in paper or electronic format and may include protected information such as employee name, Personal Record Identifier (PRI) or date of birth. Information collected for identification and authentication purposes includes the employees name and Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) mail address, which are published to the X.500 directory, as per the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) Certificate Authority Internal Certificate Policy (Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) CA CP - Internal), the identity of individuals employed by the CBSA must be verified prior to issuance of PKI certificates enabling secure online transactions. Class of Individuals: Employees, contractors, organisational roles, and applications within Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA). Purpose: Public Key Infrastructure(PKI) certificates will be used to enable telecommuting capabilities and secure email for all Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) employees. Consistent Uses: The information gathered prior to the issuance of PKI certificates is for identification and authentication purposes only. Retention and Disposal Standards: All records containing sensitive plaintext information are stored in accordance with the Government Security Policy (GSP). Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) correspondence (Subscribers Agreements and any identification and authentication information) and reports are archived for a minimum of six (6) years. All records are considered Protected B and destroyed as per guidelines. RDA Number: 98005 Related Record Number: CBSA IST 008 TBS Registration: 004487 Bank Number: CBSA PPU 818 Occupational Health and Safety Class of Record: PRN 922 Employee Assistance Personal Information Bank: PSU 916 Harassment Personal Information Bank: PSE 919 Occupational Health and Safety Personal Information Bank: PSU 907 Vehicle, Ship, Boat and Aircraft Accidents Personal Information Bank: PSE 908 Compensation and Benefits Class of Record: PRN 941 Attendance and Leave Personal Information Bank: PSE 903 Pay and Benefits Personal Information Bank: PSE 904 Labour Relations Class of Record: PRN 926 Canadian Human Rights Act - Complaints Personal Information Bank: PSU 933 Discipline Personal Information Bank: PSE 911 Grievances Personal Information Bank: PSE 910 Harassment Personal Information Bank: PSE 919 Internal Disclosure of Wrongdoing in the Workplace Personal Information Bank: PSU 906 Values and Ethics Code for the Public Service Personal Information Bank: PSU 915 Relocation Cla ss of Record: PRN 936 Relocation Personal Information Bank: PSU 910 Awards (Pride and Recognition) Class of Record: PRN 940 Recognition Policy Personal Information Bank: PSE 920 Human Resources Planning Class of Record: PRN 949 Human Resources Planning Personal Information Bank: PSU 935 Recruitment and Staffing Class of Record: PRN 920 Applications for Employment Personal Information Bank: PSU 911 Employee Personnel Record Personal Information Bank: PSE 901 EX Talent Management Personal Information Bank: PSU 934 Personnel Security Screening Personal Information Bank: PSU 917 Staffing Personal Information Bank: PSE 902 Values and Ethics Code for the Public Service Personal Information Bank: PSU 915 Performance Management Reviews Class of Record: PRN 946 Discipline Personal Information Bank: PSE 911 Performance Management Reviews Personal Information Bank: PSE 912 Classification of Positions Class of Record: PRN 919 Staffing Personal Information Bank: PSE 902 Employment Equity and Divers ity Class of Record: PRN 942 Employment Equity and Diversity Personal Information Bank: PSE 918 Official Languages Class of Record: PRN 923 Official Languages Personal Information Bank: PSE 906 Training and Development Class of Record: PRN 927 Training and Development Personal Information Bank: PSE 905 Financial management Financial management services involve activities undertaken to ensure the prudent use of public resources, including planning, budgeting, accounting, reporting, control and oversight, analysis, decision support and advice, and financial systems. Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA)Assessment and Revenue Management (CARM) Project Description: Describes records related to the completion of the CARM Feasibility Study Report, which includes financial management records, revenue management and reporting records and revenue accounting and management systems. Document Types: CARM Feasibility Study Report, Background and Research documents to complete the study: Gap Analysis, Volumetric, Assessment, Linkages and interdependencies, High Level Business Requirement. Record Number: CBSA IST 007 Financial Management Class of Record: PRN 914 Accounts Payable Personal Information Bank: PSU 931 Accounts Receivable Personal Information Bank: PSU 932 Acquisition Cards Personal Information Bank: PSU 940 Information Management Information management services involve activities undertaken to achieve efficient and effective information management to support program and service delivery foster informed decision making facilitate accountability, transparency and collaboration and preserve and ensure access to information and records for the benefit of present and future generations. Access to Information and Privacy Class of Record: PRN 930 Access to Information and Privacy Personal Information Bank: PSU 901 Information Management Class of Record: PRN 944 Automated Document, Records, and Information Management Systems Personal Information Bank: PSU 904 Information Technology Information technology services involve activities undertaken to achieve efficient and effective use of information technology to support government priorities and program delivery, to increase productivity, and to enhance services to the public. CBSA ProgramsOperations Systems Development Record Number: CBSA ENF 137 Administrative Monetary Penalty System (AMPS) Program Record Number: CBSA ADM 122 Administrative Monetary Penalty System Program Related Record Number: CBSA ADM 122 Bank Number: CBSA PPU 001 Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Detection (CBRN) Project Description: Describes records related to Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Detection (CBRN) Project. May include records related to the establishment or use of electronic systems used to administer or manage the program including the Radiation Alert Viewer (RAV), which is managed by the Canada Border Services Agencyrsquos (CBSA) Laboratory and Scientific Services Directorate (LSSD). Document Types: Radiological Notification and Response Framework, Notification Protocols, Briefing Notes, Memoranda to Cabinet, Treasury Board submissions. Record Number: CBSA ENF 122 Precursor Chemical Diversion Program Description: Describes records relating to the Precursor Chemical Diversion Program. May describe records related to the establishment or use of electronic systems used to administer or manage the program including the Integrated Customs Enforcement System (ICES). Document Types: Treasury Board Submission, Intelligence Reports, Alerts and Bulletins Record Number: CBSA ENF 118 Information Technology Class of Record: PRN 932 Electronic Network Monitoring Logs Personal Information Bank: PSU 905 Other Administrative Services Travel and other administrative services include Government of Canada travel services, as well as those other internal services that do not smoothly fit with any of the internal services categories. Boards, Committees and Councils Class of Record: PRN 938 Governor in Council Appointments Personal Information Bank: PSU 918 Members of Boards, Committees and Councils Personal Information Bank: PSU 919 Disclosure to Investigative Bodies Class of Record: PRN 937 Disclosure to Investigative Bodies Personal Information Bank: PSU 913 Proactive Disclosure Class of Record: PRN 935 Hospitality Personal Information Bank: PSU 918 Travel Personal Information Bank: PSU 909 Administrative Services Class of Record: PRN 901 Parking Personal Information Bank: PSE 914 Security Class of Record: PRN 931 Identification and Building-Pass Cards Personal Information Bank: PSE 917 Internal Disclosure of Wrongdoing in the Workplace Personal Information Bank: PSU 906 Personnel Security Screening Personal Information Bank: PSU 917 Security Incidents Personal Information Bank: PSU 939 Security Video Surveillance and Temporary Visitor Access Control Logs and Building Passes Personal Information Bank: PSU 907 Bus iness Continuity Planning Class of Record: PRN 928 Business Continuity Planning Personal Information Bank: PSU 903 Asset Management Services Real Property Real property services involve activities undertaken to ensure that real property is managed in a sustainable and financially responsible manner, throughout its life cycle, to support the cost-effective and efficient delivery of government programs. Real Property Management Class of Record: PRN 948 Materiel services involve activities undertaken to ensure that materiel can be managed by departments in a sustainable and financially responsible manner that supports the cost-effective and efficient delivery of government programs. Materiel Management Class of Record: PRN 945 Vehicle, Ship, Boat and Aircraft Accidents Personal Information Bank: PSE 908 Acquisitions Acquisition services involve activities undertaken to acquire a good or service to fulfill a properly completed request (including a complete and accurate definition of requirements and certification that funds are available) until entering into or amending a contract. Procurement and Contracting Class of Record: PRN 912 Professional Services Contracts Personal Information Bank: PSU 912 Enforcement Manual People Processing Manual Additional Information The Government of Canada encourages the release of information through informal requests. You may wish to consult Canada Border Services Agency39s completed Access to Information (ATI) summaries and open data. To obtain information informally, an informal request may be submitted to the Canada Border Services Agency. Please consult the instructions for information on formal access procedures under the provisions of the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act . To make a formal request: Access Buy On-Line services. or mail your letter or Access to Information Request Form ( Access to Information Act ) or Personal Information Request Form ( Privacy Act ), along with any necessary documents (such as consent or the 5.00 application fee for a request under the Access to Information Act) to the following address: Dan Proulx Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator 333 North River Road 14th Floor, Tower A Vanier, Ontario K1A 0L8 Telephone: 343-291-7021 Facsimile: 343-291-7012 atip-aiprpcbsa-asfc. gc. ca Please note: Each request made to the Canada Border Services Agency under the Access to Information Act must be accompanied by an application fee of 5.00, cheque or money order made payable to the Receiver General for Canada . The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) conducts Privacy Impact Assessments (PIAs) to ensure that privacy implications will be appropriately identified, assessed and resolved before a new or substantially modified program or activity involving personal information is implemented. Summaries of completed PIAs are available . For additional information about the programs and activities of the Canada Border Services Agency, please contact: Canada Border Services Agency 333 North River Road 14th Floor, Tower A Vanier, Ontario K1A 0L8 Telephone: 1-800-461-9999 Enquiries: Border Information Service 1-800-461-9999 Outside Canada 1 -204-983-3500 or 1-506-636-5064 (long distance charges may apply) Access to Information Privacy: 343-291-7012 Additional information is available on cbsa-asfc. gc. ca Reading Room In accordance with the Access to Information Act, an area on the premises of this institution has been designated as a public reading room. The address is: National Capital Region 333 North River Road 14th Floor, Tower A Vanier, Ontario K1A 0L8 343-291-7012 Date modified: 2015-05-20Personal Internet Banking Youll Love Youll Need About UOB Personal Internet Banking Q1. What is UOB Personal Internet Banking UOB Personal Internet Banking is a specialised platform developed by the United Overseas Bank (UOB) to provide secure banking services over the Internet. Q2. Why should I choose to do my banking via UOB Personal Internet Banking UOB Personal Internet Banking lets you access your bank accounts and carry out banking transactions online anywhere with an Internet connection. UOB Personal Internet Banking is a convenient way to manage your finances, as it is available around the clock. Q3. What can I do with UOB Personal Internet Banking Q4. Is UOB Personal Internet Banking available 24 hours a day Yes, you can use UOB Personal Internet Banking 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Q5. How can I be sure that the Bank has received my banking instructions When you successfully complete a transaction, you will be given a transaction reference number on-screen. This applies to all UOB Personal Internet Banking transactions except Enquiries . It is important that you wait for the transaction reference number to appear on your screen before you change screens or exit from UOB Personal Internet Banking. Please take note of this transaction reference number for your future correspondences with the Bank. Q6. If my Internet connection is lost while I am transacting on UOB Personal Internet Banking, how will I know whether my transaction has been effected Please check if your transaction has been effected in Online Transaction History under the Account Services feature. Q7. Is there a fee or cost for using UOB Personal Internet Banking No, UOB Personal Internet Banking is currently a free service. There is no fee charged for bill payment, fund transfer or performing an enquiry. However, charges apply for the following transactions: Manage My Accounts Stop Cheque: S10 for each cheque or cheque range stopped Cheque Book Request: S10 per cheque book Remittance Services Cashiers Order Purchase Commission: S3 Demand Draft Purchase Commission: 116 of transaction amount (minimum S10.00 and maximum S100.00) International Telegraphic Transfer (TT) and Local SGD Telegraphic Transfer (MEPS) Commission: 116 of transaction amount (minimum S10.00 and maximum S100.00) Cable charges and agent charges, if any, still apply IPO Application IPO Application: S2 Q8. What system setup do I need in order to use UOB Personal Internet Banking Our recommended system setup for accessing UOB Personal Internet Banking is as follows: PC configuration: With Internet connection Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 Best viewed using these web browsers: Internet Explorer, Google Chrome Macintosh configuration: Mac (Lion), Mac (Mountain Lion), Mac (Mavericks), Mac (Yosemite) With Internet connection Best viewed using these web browsers: Safari, Google Chrome iPhone amp iPad configuration iOS 8 or above Best viewed using these web browsers: Safari, Google Chrome Android devices configuration Android OS 4.4.2 browser Please note that all Beta versions are not supported. UOB Personal Internet Banking employs 128-bit Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), which is internationally recognised as the highest standard in commercially available encryption technology. 128-bit Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is adopted by banks in Singapore and financial institutions worldwide. Your browser must support 128-bit encryption to enable your access to UOB Personal Internet Banking. To check your browsers encryption level, follow the steps below: Microsoft Internet Explorer Select Help from the Internet Explorer menu bar. Select About Internet Explorer from the drop-down menu. The About Internet Explorer dialog box will provide information on your browser version and encryption level. Firefox version Select Help from the Firefox menu bar. Select About Mozilla Firefox from the drop-down menu. The About Mozilla Firefox dialog box will provide information on your browser version. Accessing UOB Personal Internet Banking Q9. Who can use UOB Personal Internet Banking To use UOB Personal Internet Banking, you will need to have a UOB Credit Card or UOB bank account. Q10. I am a UOB customer, how do I apply for UOB Personal Internet Banking access You can apply via one of the following ways: Instant Online Registration UOB ATMs Register at any UOB ATM with your UOB ATM Card or Credit Card and receive your Username and Password immediately. Select Other Transactions gt Other Transactions gt InternetPhone BankingUOB Mobile gt Internet BankingUOB Mobile gt Apply Now UOB Branch Register at any UOB Branch and receive your temporary Username and Password immediately. Q11. I am not a UOB customer. How do I apply for UOB Personal Internet Banking access To access UOB Personal Internet Banking, you must have an account with UOB. You can visit any UOB branch to open an account and at the same time, apply for UOB Personal Internet Banking. Q12. How do I activate my access to start using UOB Personal Internet Banking services If you have signed up for access via online, ATM or branch, you can use your access immediately. If you have signed up for access via paper form, you will receive your Username and Password mailers separately. You will need to activate your access via one of the following ways: At any UOB ATM with your UOB ATM Card or Credit Card. Select Other Transactions gt Other Transactions gt InternetPhone BankingUOB Mobile gt Internet BankingUOB Mobile gt UserName Activation Your username will be shown on the screen. Select Confirm to activate your access. Following the activation of your Username, you can login immediately to UOB Personal Internet Banking with your Username and Password. Sign on the acknowledgement slip printed at the bottom of the username mailer and post it back to the Bank or hand it to any UOB branch. Username and Password Q13. Can I have more than one Username You can only have one Username and Password. Q14. Can I change my UOB Personal Internet Banking Username Once you have selected your preferred UOB Personal Internet Banking Username, you will not be able to change it. For security reasons, choose a Username which will not be easily known to a third party. Q15. Can I change my UOB Personal Internet Banking Password Yes, you can do so by logging in to UOB Personal Internet Banking, click on your name at the top left corner of the screen and select Change Password. As a security best practice, we encourage you to change your password periodically. To learn more about safeguarding your password, please refer to our security recommendations. Q16. I have forgotten my UOB Personal Internet Banking Username. What should I do Click here to retrieve it instantly. Alternatively, you can call our 24-hour hotline 1800 222 2121 (or 65 6222 2121 when calling from overseas) for assistance. Q17. I have forgotten my UOB Personal Internet Banking Password. How can I get it replaced You can replace your Password in one of the following ways: Instant online reset Perform a password change at any UOB ATM Replace your Password immediately by accessing any UOB ATM. At the ATM, select Other Transactions gt Other Transactions gt InternetPhone BankingUOB Mobile gt Internet BankingUOB Mobile gt Password Replacement Fill in a UOB Personal Internet Banking Form Print, complete and mail the UOB Personal Internet Banking - Information Update Form (PDF: 193KB) to us. Your new Password will be sent to you by post. Please note that our call centre does not facilitate UOB Personal Internet Banking password reset. Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) Q18. What is the Two-Factor Authentication and how does it work Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) provides an additional layer of security for verifying the identity of a UOB Personal Internet Banking customer. With Two-Factor Authentication, UOB Personal Internet Banking customers will be required to provide a unique One-Time Password (OTP) in addition to the current Username and Password upon login. Q19. What is SMS-OTP SMS-OTP is a one-time password delivered to the mobile phone of a UOB Personal Internet Banking customer. For this option, the customers mobile phone number must be registered with the Bank. Note: Receipt of SMS is dependent on your mobile network operators roaming service. If you are overseas, you may wish to consult them to find out more about the delivery of the SMS to you. Q20. What is Token-OTP Token-OTP is a one-time password obtained from a security device (Token) issued to UOB Personal Internet Banking customers. Q21. Is Two-Factor Authentication compulsory and will I be affected by Two-Factor Authentication As Two-Factor Authentication is compulsory, it will apply to all UOB Personal Internet Banking customers. Q22. How will I be affected by Two-Factor Authentication UOB Personal Internet Banking customers are required to enter an additional One-Time Password (OTP) when performing online transactions. Q23. Why is Two-Factor Authentication important What does it do for me Two-Factor Authentication allows the Bank to provide additional security to Internet Banking customers. It ensures that only authorised customers can gain access to account information and transact securely. Q24. When do I need to carry out Two-Factor Authentication You are required to carry out Two-Factor Authentication when you perform any of the following transactions: Login to UOB Personal Internet Banking Add new payees Change of personal particulars and address Change of UniAlerts Subscriptions Change of funds transfer, bill payment or remittance transaction limits Change of One-time Password (OTP) settings Transactions with amount higher than the OTP threshold Q25. What if I have enabled Two-Factor Authentication but do not have my mobile phone or Token with me and I urgently need to use Personal Internet Banking In this case, you will be able to login to UOB Personal Internet Banking using your Username and Password to perform balance enquiries only. You will not have access to perform transactional activities.
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